Meet AWAI-Trained Writer:

D Arlando Fortune

D Arlando Fortune

Location: Indianapolis, IN
Professions: Copywriter, Desktop Marketer
Specialties: B-to-B, Christian, Health, Self-Help, Web/Internet

Professional Background:

I've blogged or written some sort of personal article since 2013. I got an MS in Psychology because I enjoy learning how to get people results - mentally, emotionally, and physically. And yet, I keep coming back to writing. This is my way of transforming lives.

"Your products are their salve. My words are their prescription."

I was a Division I athlete who loved math. But I enjoyed reading about successful people and, soon after I graduated, left sports and accounting (my undergrad degree) to buy rental properties. Somewhere in there, a creative itch led me to culinary school before attempting my hand at publishing.

Currently, when not working with clients, my days are filled with studying marketing and psychology, writing, and cooking. Most of my free time is with my kids or talking with people in addiction recovery.

If anything I've mentioned raises a brow, let's chat.

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