Start Here to Launch Your Freelance Writing Career in 4 Simple Steps
Let AWAI show you how to start your
copywriting/content writing career today!
Step 1.
Discover How Copywriting and Content Writing Works from the World’s Leading Experts
Learn the fundamentals of copywriting and marketing content. You’ll soon know how to help businesses improve their websites, blogs, email campaigns, videos, newsletters, social media ads, and more.
Step 2.
Explore Your Copywriting Career Options and
How to Get Clients ASAP
Find out how to get paid to write! Follow our guides to build a thriving freelance writing career from scratch, sooner than you may imagine.
Your 9-Step Blueprint to Becoming a Well-Paid Copywriter
Sign up below and get instant access to your Free 9-step blueprint for making good money as a writer.
Step 3.
Get Up to Speed with Top Training Programs for Copywriters and Content Writers
Dive into the proven formulas, tools, checklists, step-by-step blueprints, and templates to create your samples portfolio — so you’re ready to start working with freelance writing clients.
The AWAI Method™ for Becoming a Skilled, In-Demand Copywriter

The AWAI Method™ combines the most up-to-date strategies, insights, and teaching methods with the tried-and-true copywriting fundamentals so you can take on ANY project — not just sales letters.
Step 4.
Check Out Our FREE Freelance Writing Resources
to Support Your Progress
Browse through our industry-trusted library of articles, how-to videos, and more… written and carefully curated to support your freelance writing business success!
AWAI's Article Archive for Freelance Writers
Looking for tips on how to write specific projects, get clients, promote your writing business, or how other new writers made the leap? Search through our extensive article library, with new content posted every day.
State of the Idustry Report on Copywriting Rates and Top Performing Marketing Methods
Curious what to charge for a writing projects? Check out our free guide pricing, which covers 80 of today's most in-demand copywriting and content assignments.
Inside AWAI How-to Webinars for Your Freelance Writing Business
Get help building your writing business with our free monthly webinar series topics related to freelance writing opportunities, getting clients, and more. Access over 30 hours of free training the archives, and get started today!
Write Now! Persuasive Writing Prompts
Never worry about blank-page syndrome again with our Write Now! library of persuasive writing prompts. Pick any prompt video to find fun and inspiring ideas to get you writing; all delivered by a variety of working copywriters
AWAI's Ultimate Glossary of Copywriting Terms and Direct-Response Definitions
If you're looking for a definition related to the world of copywriting, content writing, direct-response, direct mail, or digital marketing … you've come to the right place. We created and curated this comprehensive resource just for you.
B2B Copywriting: A Comprehensive Guide
Discover why B2B copywriting is such an amazing opportunity for writers today, and which projects are in the highest demand.
The Ultimate Guide to SEO Content Writing
Learn SEO content writing in this free ultimate guide from AWAI. This guide will take you through the nuts and bolts of what SEO content writing is, the practical skills you'll need to write SEO content, and how to build your career as an SEO copywriter.
How to Make Money Blogging: A Beginner's Guide
Discover why blogging is such an excellent opportunity for writers today, and how you can make money blogging even as a beginner.
80 In-Demand Copywriting Projects to Fire Up Your Writing Success
Inside this guide, you'll find comprehensive overviews and examples for each of the top 80 copywriting projects, along with the most up-to-date fee ranges.