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April 2013

Why All Writers Should Combine a Niche and Specialty to Get Paid Sooner

Choosing both a specialty and a niche can help you get your copywriting business up and running fast. Christina Gillick lets you in on how.

Four Ways Freelancers Can Profit from the Growth in Social Media

Interested in the social media field, but unsure how someone could make money in it? Nick Usborne lays out four of the many ways you can earn a living writing for social media.

What to do When Clients Call

Now that your self-marketing is out there and your business is up, your getting calls. Lane Sennett is here to help you answer the phone.

How to Become a Working B2B Copywriter in 90 Days

Lane Sennett introduces you to the five things she focused on when starting her B2B copywriting business that led directly to her success.

4 Steps to Reverse Your Inner Conflicts: The Power of the Victory Log

Rae Robinson gives you a great idea for tracking your goals and keeping your freelance writing business on track.