5 Steps You Can Take Right Now If You’re Worried About AI Copywriting …
My love for technology started when my parents got me my first Nintendo Entertainment System back in 1987.
I’d spend hours playing Super Mario Brothers — defeating killer mushrooms and banging Mario’s head against question mark boxes to get in-game items.
Nerding out on video games then led me to computers in the early 90s.
I assembled my first one from scratch in the sixth grade, after convincing my dad to get all the parts I needed.
Then once I had a working PC, I wanted to learn how to program it, so I read up on programming languages like BASIC, C, and C++.
I have been this way all my life. A new technology comes along, and I want to work with it, play with it, see what it can do.
It’s been no different with AI (artificial intelligence).
I’ve been writing copy for clients for the past 16 years. Am I worried AI will replace me?
Not at all.
In fact, when one of the first AI tools was released in early 2021, you better believe I was testing it out!
Yet there wasn’t much of a peep out of other copywriters or our industry.
Then, ChatGPT came along in late November of 2022 — and wow, what an uproar it’s caused!
The whole world is buzzing about it. Writers fear AI is coming for their jobs.
I get it.
Tools like ChatGPT and Jasper.AI are able to instantly create hundreds or even thousands of words of “passable” content when given a topic or simple prompt to write about.
And if AI can write an article, ad, or blog post in mere seconds …
… why would a client need to hire a writer at all?
Instead of telling you the answer, let me show you.
Here is an excerpt of a short article written by an AI content generator, answering the question — What is copywriting?
Copywriting is an important form of communication used by businesses to promote their products and services. Copywriting is the art of crafting persuasive and engaging content that is tailored to the target audience.
It is used to entice potential customers and convert them into loyal customers. Copywriting is used in various forms, such as advertising, product descriptions, press releases, emails, website content, and more.
It is the process of creating compelling and persuasive copy that compels the reader to take action. Copywriting is a powerful tool for building brand awareness and reputation.
Now, here’s an excerpt from a human-written article, answering the same question (What is copywriting?):
Copywriting is the process of writing persuasive marketing and promotional materials that motivate people to take some form of action, such as make a purchase, click on a link, donate to a cause, or schedule a consultation.
These materials can include written promotions that are published in print or online. They can also include materials that are spoken, such as scripts used for videos or commercials.
The text in these materials is known as “copy,” hence the name “copywriting.”
You may not realize it, but copywriting is everywhere.
In fact, if you just start by looking in your mailbox, you’ll find some obvious examples of copywriting. Promotions for local restaurants, catalogs, fundraising letters from charitable organizations, or sales letters for various products and services are all forms of copywriting.
You can see that, while AI’s writing is good, it doesn’t feel human.
This feeling of “humanness” becomes more apparent when you compare AI writing to human writing on more complex copy projects, like sales letters.
Here, I’ve asked an AI tool to write me a short sales letter selling a copywriting course:
And here is one of AWAI’s past control sales letters, written by AWAI Co-Founder Paul Hollingshead:
Right away, you can feel the difference.
Paul’s version (i.e., the “human” version) is much more engaging … feels more alive … and gets you more excited. Something AI hasn’t been able to replicate.
So do you think a serious company like AWAI, would just entrust their writing their next blockbuster promotion to AI?
The answer, of course, is “no.” And neither would other serious direct-response companies.
Which is why you can rest easy if you’re a human copywriter.
There’s no need to panic.
If anything, AI is a HUGE boon to your copywriting career.
In fact, check out this article where I’ll show you how to use AI to become a better, faster writer.
And if you REALLY want to future-proof yourself against AI — especially as it continues to get better — the BEST thing you can do is increase the value you bring to the table.
Here are five steps you can take to do just that, and stay ahead of the curve:
1. Learn marketing and strategy. One of the things AI cannot do is come up with a fresh approach to a marketing problem. That’s something that so far, only humans can do. But the only way you can creatively solve marketing challenges is by learning everything you can about digital marketing and the strategies to do it effectively.
2. Get more creative. Higher-value work always involves a lot of creative thinking. And one of the best ways to get more creative is to learn how to come up with ideas on demand. There are many books out there on this subject. One great place to start is with Jack Foster’s How to Get Ideas.
3. Dive deep into human psychology. Understanding what makes us tick, and why we do what we do as humans, is one of the best ways to make yourself high-value in your client’s eyes. It will help you sell more and get better results once you know the psychological triggers that move us to action.
4. Get good at storytelling. There’s no question, AI can create decent content and copy very quickly. But can you guess what it can’t do as well as a human? Tell an emotionally-compelling story! That’s why if you can tell great stories through the written word, you’ll be very valuable to anyone who hires you.
5. Connect at an emotional level. If you learn how to leverage emotions in your writing, you’re golden. Only a human can connect with their readers on an emotional level that AI simply cannot (at least not yet). That’s why if you can craft copy that elicits emotion and gets your reader feeling something, you’ll have nothing to worry about.
By learning marketing, persuasion, and pursuing creativity, you can set yourself apart from “the machines” and continue to add value in today’s fast-paced world.
By the way, this article was written by AI.
… or am I? 😉

How to Use the Power of AI to Become a Better, Faster, and Higher-Paid Writer
Step into the future of writing and discover how to revolutionize your entire writing process. From doubling your productivity to editing your copy, AI can help you to outshine and outperform your competition. Learn More »
LOL, nice ending.
… or am I? 😉
Guest (Sidney) –