Monday Morning Jumpstart:
Law of Inertia
Are you having trouble moving forward with your writing career? Are you putting in enough effort? And are the activities you are doing the most effective choices?
In today’s Monday Morning Jumpstart, AWAI Chief Success Officer, Ted Capshaw, and Director of Training, Jade Trueblood, talk about the importance of evaluating how you spend your time, the intention behind those actions, and if those actions are contributing to the outcome that you want.
Join us every Monday morning for a boost of writing motivation, plus tips and strategies to make sure you're staying on track and moving towards your goals all year.

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Thank you Jade and Ted. I've been happy and safe taking classes, listening and attending seminars, and chasing the shiny objects of yet another class... And no clients. This was a stark reminder for me to begin embracing the fears preventing me from engaging that first client. Thank you again.
Wes Andersen –
I tried to focus on the message the best i could, but it was a little difficult with Ted's handsome face and that deep voice heeheehee
Guest (MM) –
Being intentional and wise with your time is my HUGE takeaway from this motivation conversation this week. I have been practicing time management and getting better everyday.
And never confuse activity with achievements. Wow. Simple but profound words each time I hear them.
Savorian –
I was pleased to learn that working 10 or more hours a day is not necessarily being productive.
My takeaway is that overcoming fear of beginning is the key. I think sometimes long hours of leaning to swim prevents swimming.
Felsep –