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Get Paid $1,500–$2,500 to Tell a 2-Page Story? Did you know… There’s a little-known way to get paid amazingly well to tell a unique kind of story? It’s only two pages at most. And thousands of companies are paying writers $1,500 to $2,500 on average to write it for them. It’s all detailed in a short guide that explains what you need to know, including how you can get started telling these stories and get paid.
How Writers Can Earn Up to $300 an Hour Telling Stories Picture for a moment… You’re looking for a water filtration system for your kitchen. Just the right one. After all, they’re an expensive investment, often $500-plus. Some sit under the sink and need to be hooked up… Some sit on top of the counter but take up valuable space… Some filter certain things out, and others use a different type of filtration system to protect you against other contaminants. Because this is costly and will be used daily, you want to make the best choice. So, you do your research. You look at the features of each type of system. How it works. What it protects you from. Which doctor or professional endorses it. Eventually, you’ve narrowed your options down to two brands. But how do you decide?
New Writer and Don’t Know Where to Start? Do This… Today, however, new and aspiring copywriters don’t have it so easy. Because the path isn’t as clear-cut as it was 20+ years ago. Nowadays, the options are endless! You can choose to write sales letters… do SEO copywriting… write chatbot scripts… focus on case studies or white papers… social media… and more. And while this is great because there’s so much opportunity…
The downside is that it can be overwhelming and keep you from choosing. Instead, you end up spinning your wheels and not making any real progress toward your dream of the writer’s life. That’s why Guillermo wants to help out — and give you a simple path to follow.