A $10,000 Contract from AWAI!
Here’s an open invitation to all AWAI members to earn hundreds or even thousands of dollars — while you're still honing your skills.
It’s a great way to grab our attention for future assignments …
And there’s this too …
You Might Be Offered a $10,000 Contract to Write for Us!

$10K Challenge Winner
“From introducing me to copywriting in 2017, to commissioning my first paid freelance article, to helping me level up my full-time consulting business today, AWAI has been by my side to teach me, guide me, and cheer me on. I'm incredibly honored to win the $10K challenge. I can't wait to work with the AWAI team to empower even more writers the same way I've been empowered. Thank you, Katie, Rebecca, and everyone on the team for this opportunity … and for everything you do!”
— Rebekah Mays

$10K Challenge Winner
“I was truly honored to become an AWAI $10K Challenge winner. Since my first Bootcamp in 2014, it’s been something I’ve dreamed about, but never thought would happen!
While it was somewhere in the back of my mind, I knew that pushing my business forward was essential to success. I would need to get serious and take advantage of everything AWAI offered me: copywriting and content marketing training, business building strategies, and a support system that’s unlike any other I’ve seen. When they say they want to see you succeed … they mean it 100%. And they have the programs and community available to back that up.”
— Steve Maurer

$10K Challenge Winner
“I couldn't be more excited to win the $10K Challenge. When I first discovered AWAI and saw the Challenge on the website, I remembered wondering what it would take to win it one day. It turns out they'll teach you everything you need to know!
“I'm grateful for everything I've learned from AWAI and am honored to be working so closely with them.”
— Candice Lazar
3 Ways You Can Win With the $10K Challenge …
AWAI’s $10K Challenge gives you three advantages you just won’t find anywhere else.
First, you can build your portfolio (and earn some decent cash) before you even finish the program.
Second, you can launch a profitable career with relatively little effort.
And third, you can land $10,000 worth of work on top of your other writing fees!
Here’s How It Works …
As an active AWAI member, it’s easy for you to participate in the $10K Challenge. And there’s no limit to how many submissions you can send in.
When you’ve got your copy just the way you want it, send it in to us. If we like what we see, you’ll get a call or an email from Katie Yeakle or Rebecca Matter saying, “We want to work with you!”
You’ll be invited to work with our Copy Chief … we’ll work with you on finalizing your copy, so we can use it … and, best of all, you’ll get a paycheck for your work — and most likely an invitation to write more for us!
Katie and Rebecca will review all the copy written by AWAI members. They’ll analyze any trackable results and the breakthrough nature of the idea. Based on those results, at least one person will be selected to receive additional contracted assignments from AWAI — to the tune of $10,000!
Sound good so far? Keep reading … it gets even better.
The Ultimate “Win-Win” Situation
If you’re wondering why we do this, it’s very simple, really …
Our current pool of copywriters can’t keep up with our insane demand. So we really need new, motivated copywriters.
And, we know that you — and some of our other members — are ready to prove yourself and start making money as a copywriter as soon as possible.
When you put the two together, you can see how this Challenge solves both of our dilemmas. You’ll have a much easier way to get paid assignments, and we’ll find talented copywriters who already speak our language.
If You’re an Active AWAI Member, You Can Earn Cash for Writing Articles and Sales Letters for Us!
The easiest way to get started … Writing Articles
Our publications — The Barefoot Writer, The Writer’s Life, and Wealthy Web Writer — are our most important ways of communicating with our members. Our hope with each issue is to educate, motivate, inform, share successes, give tips for getting clients, and share industry information and advice from pros.
And, the good news for you … writing articles that are of interest to your fellow members is a great way to get started with us … to get our attention … and show us what you can do.
So if you have an idea for an article for one of our publications …
- Write a 1–3 paragraph summary and send to copysubmission@awaionline.com
- Be sure “Copy submission for AWAI E-letter” appears in your email subject line
- Include all of your contact information in the email message (your name, address, and daytime phone number)
If your idea is selected, you’ll be asked to write a 500–750 word article. You’ll be invited to participate in an AWAI marketing team Peer Review once your article is completed … and you’ll be paid $100.
- Write to communicate, not to impress.
- Use your own experience as the source for articles. If you keep a journal, look through it for ideas. If you don’t keep one, try it!
- Whether you’ve broken a bad habit, have an unusual way of staying motivated, or an interesting success story, tell us about it. Although you might think you’re the only one who thinks or does things a certain way, the truth is, we’re more alike than we may think. Chances are, someone else out there can benefit from your experience.
Check out Rebecca’s article: A 5-Step Process to Writing Articles that Get Published.
As well as all the articles in the AWAI Article Archives.
For more of a challenge … Writing Sales Letters
Sales letters are the lifeblood of our business. And, with over 80 products and dozens of campaigns running every year, we are in constant need of new copy to test.
Here’s how you can get your name on our list of “go-to” writers … and possibly earn a $10,000 contract from AWAI. Start by learning about writing your headline and lead.
You want your headline to:
- Grab your prospect’s attention.
- Target your prospect by saying something meaningful to him.
- Stir curiosity.
- Make a promise.
- Introduce a compelling idea.
- Make an offer.
- Challenge your prospect.
And, you want your lead to:
- Deliver the big promise.
- Introduce your Big Idea.
You may also want to search the Article Archives for great articles about headlines and leads like this one:
“The Power of One — One Big Idea”
As you’re writing, keep the Three P’s of a winning headline and lead in mind …
Purpose: to get the prospect to read the rest of the sales letter so the sale can be made.
Problem: to overcome the fact that the prospect is looking for a reason to stop reading. (A headline and lead that is dull or boring in any way will almost surely fail.)
Possibility: to intensify the good feelings the prospect got from reading the subject line or envelope teaser. You want to confirm his hope that this letter is about something important and exciting — bring him to the point where he is thinking, “This is really good! I’m really glad I’m reading this!”
Headline Secrets: Tricks the Masters Use to Make Millions
The Lead: 80% of the Power of Your Sales Message with 11-Point Checklist
Choose any of AWAI’s programs or services that excite you from our catalog … one you can write a new and compelling headline and lead for.
INSIDER MARKETING TIP: Who are you writing to? People who are brand-new to AWAI, who may not have ever heard of us before … or to your fellow members, folks who are very familiar with AWAI?
In marketing terms, if you’re writing to someone who hasn’t heard about AWAI before, that’s called a “front-end” or acquisition effort. If you’re writing to current AWAI members, that’s called a “back-end” effort.
Your headline and lead will be different depending on if you’re writing an acquisition “front-end” effort or a “back-end” effort.
The Master Key to a Successful Promotion: Building a 3‑D Image of Your Prospect
Write your headline and lead and send it in!
- Write your headline and lead in a Word document and send it to copysubmission@awaionline.com
- Be sure “Headline and Lead for (Product Name)” appears in your email subject line
- Include all of your contact information in the email message (your name, address, and daytime phone number) as well as in the Word document (This is important!)
AWAI’s marketing team will review your submission, and if we decide we’d like to test it (meaning … it contains fresh ideas, good, conversational writing, new and stronger sales angles, and — most importantly — copy we think will sell), you’ll be invited to participate in an AWAI marketing team Headline and Lead Peer Review. If after the Peer Review, your headline and lead gets a “green light,” you’ll be paid $1,000 … and asked to complete the letter.
When your letter is complete, we’ll send you another $1,000 check.
Meet Past $10K Challenge Winners …

$10K Challenge Winner
“I am so grateful and so excited. I remember reading about the 10K Challenge way back in the day and thinking ‘that would be really cool one day to be on stage and get a massive check’ …
“Through all the AWAI programs, I really got value from the supportive coaching and community aspects. They genuinely care about people being successful.”
— Jake Hoffberg

10K Challenge Winner
“Being selected as AWAI's $10K Challenge winner by the people who know copywriting best is a humbling honor. Without the programs, the support system and the opportunities AWAI provided to prove myself, I wouldn't be where I am today. This award isn't just an affirmation for me, it's an affirmation for anyone who wants to learn to live the writer's life. I couldn't be more proud to accept this and serve as inspiration for my fellow AWAI members.”
— Jon Stoltzfus

$10K Challenge Winner
“It’s such an incredible honor to be AWAI’s $10K Challenge winner! It represents a true milestone in my career. Just four years ago, I began studying AWAI course materials … determined to be a working copywriter. And now, I have the distinct pleasure of writing enough successful copy to warrant winning this challenge. I can’t wait to continue working with AWAI and honing my copywriting craft alongside the best in the business!”
— Julie Hassett

$10K Challenge Winner
“Earning recognition as a $10K Challenge Winner is truly special for me. Joining the ranks of the successful copywriters who have walked the stage to accept this award in previous years — including my mentors, Joshua Boswell and Pam Foster, who offered so much valuable advice to me when I was first getting started — is a huge moment in my copywriting career.”
— Steve Coombes

$10K Challenge Winner
““It feels awesome to be an AWAI $10K Challenge winner! As a freelancer it can be hard to prove you know what you're doing. But winning this award gives me the proof I need to take my career to the next level! I'm so grateful for what AWAI does and for all the experts who contribute and share their advice and wisdom. Copywriting has become so much more than a path to quitting my full time job. Writing has always been my passion and AWAI gave me the tools I needed to turn it into a business. I do what I love every day and it keeps getting better.”
— Christina Gillick

$10K Challenge Winner
“It feels great to win.
“As for what it means to my copywriting career, it shows my copy works and that the principles AWAI teaches work. For me personally, it's something that greatly has bolstered my confidence and symbolizes a milestone in my career.”
— Guillermo Rubio

$10K Challenge Winner
“If you’re just starting out, let this serve as proof that you WILL achieve the goals you make right now. Reach out to your support networks, and especially to AWAI members for motivation — no one else better understands what you’re going through right now. So don’t be afraid to go for the big, bold goals. They’ll press you to do, be, and challenge yourself more than you’ve ever envisioned — but every step of the way will be worth it.”
— Mindy McHorse

$10K Challenge Winner
“I didn't do anything magical to stand out and win the $10K Challenge. Just about everything I did, in fact, is repeatable by other copywriters who want to win too. When you work, work hard. Always be learning, from books, AWAI products, seminars, and by talking with and listening to your clients. Set deadlines and keep them. Stay in touch with new ideas. And try to be easy to work with.”
— Roy Furr

$10K Challenge Winner
“I’m living proof that all copywriters truly have a chance to achieve their goals. Winning the $10K Challenge was one of mine since the day I learned about AWAI. And here I am, with a $10,000 contract! Copywriting opportunities continue to expand across AWAI and the Web, so no matter what you’re passionate about, there’s a need for strong copy. You can even create your own product and promotions like I did, so go for it!”
— Pam Foster

$10K Challenge Winner
“Winning the $10K Challenge paid me more than $10,000. My oversized ‘check’ is on the wall in my office right over my closet door. If I'm feeling a little uncertain on any given day, I just glance up at it. Confidence plus a number of clients who came my way after the win proved to be the true value over time.”
— Pat McCord

$10K Challenge Winner
“When I first entered the world of copywriting, I was hungry … almost desperate … for writing assignments. I needed money and I needed writing samples. I think most of us are that way at first. That is what makes the $10K Challenge AWAI has put together so amazing. You can start earning money, create a very nice portfolio, and get ongoing feedback from the Masters even before you finish the basic writing program. I’m so thankful for this opportunity!”
— Joshua Boswell

$10K Challenge Winner
“I hope you’ll take full advantage of this opportunity. It’s the easiest way I know of to score a paid assignment when you're just starting out. So give each project your best shot and you might be shocked — as I was — at how quickly your career takes off. I wish you well!”
— Krista Jones