Funnel Basics: How Much Should You Charge a Client for a Funnel?
This week, we’ve talked about the value of acquisition funnels, what basic pieces are included, how many different pieces of copy you can write to build one, and how you can multiply your funnel opportunities.
But now it’s time for the most important question … how much should you charge to do this work for clients?
Basic acquisition funnels that include a lead magnet, a main offer page, an upsell, and a follow-up sequence command fees of $5,000 to $10,000 in today’s market.
Even if you’re a beginner.
You can charge more – a LOT more – for complex funnels or if you’re a writer with a proven track record.
Let that sink in for a moment.
And I know, if you’re just starting out, that seems like a lot of money to even ASK a client to give you …
So, let’s anchor it back to what acquisition funnels do for your clients.
Acquisition funnels help a business transform passing interest into a sale – or even multiple sales – from a new customer.
This changes their acquisition cost – often changing their bottom line from losing money to making money.
Businesses LIKE making money.
They like that A LOT.
So, they don’t look at the price of an acquisition funnel as a pure cost, like their phone bill. It’s an investment in MAKING MONEY.
After all, many businesses right now are paying $5,000 to $10,000 a month for marketing that doesn’t do anything more than bring in a few hundred new names – names which often don’t convert to buyers. That’s a giant hole in their budget …
But, if they opted to use a funnel writer, that same company could pay $5,000 to $10,000 for a system that consistently delivered monthly sales of $20,000 … $30,000 … maybe even a couple hundred thousand, depending on the product and the size of their audience.
That’s a big win as far as they’re concerned … and it ensures your fees look like a stellar investment.
Plus, in many cases, companies will do a lot more for you than just pay you a flat fee – especially as you develop a track record.
Many writers who specialize in funnels also earn royalties on the total sales (2% to 10%). Some earn performance bonuses … there are even some who take a piece of equity in the business in exchange for consulting and building funnels for the company.
And, before you even go “Ack! Jen, I could never do that!” … think of what you’ve learned this week.
Acquisition funnels are not complicated.
Once you know what they are, just break them down into their individual pieces and they get a lot simpler to think about … to create for clients … or even to build for your own personal writing business.
You can absolutely do this, even if you’re just starting out in your writing career.
Prove it to yourself, right now. Pick out one company you’d like to have as a client. It can be a big company or a local business.
Pick one product or service they offer, and follow the steps to build an acquisition funnel for it. Outline the key parts and brainstorm the support pieces. Take your plan for a test-run in the comments here. Then, if you’re feeling ready, reach out to the business with your plan.
You could have your first funnel client – and your first big funnel payday – in less time than you think.

The AWAI Method™ for Becoming a Skilled, In-Demand Copywriter
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hey, Jen! :-) beautiful topic this week, thanks for the heads up on what's working now--you rock! :-) Cheers to everyone else, let's get out there and do it, do it! ;-) remember, you rock! :-)
Guest ( jon paul) –
I would like to comment on people who are 55 and older, there should be products out there that help these people and make their lives easier. for instance,more telephones should be made with an answering machine built in and should be hearing aid compatible.
Guest (maryrose neville) –
Jen, This was the most useful series of articles received to-date. And that's saying a LOT! Thank you for providing such clear discussion of Funnel Basics. I knew a bit about Acquisition/Sales Funnels ... and your series clarified and established professional-level knowledge for this B2B copywriter. Thanks again!
Nancy Ross Brewer –
Jen, Great info on funneling. If I sent you what I have written, would you send me feed-back? This is my first attempt to write.
Thanks, Ethel
Guest (Ethel Davis) –
Hi Ethel! Your best bet would be to match up with a peer review group - you can find one in the AWAI group site or by joining the Professional Writer's Facebook group.
Jen Adams –
Hey there, Jen, I finally understand what a basic funnel looks like and why. Thank you. My question: As I practice creating funnels (for the REAL thing) would I select the lead magnet based on one already created by the client, something they have already produced in relation to the main offer? Or, would I suggest an item they have not produced as yet, and see if they want to consider producing it? What if I think of a lead magnet that would cost them something to produce? What's my role there?
NanasBaby –
@NanasBaby - You can take either path. Some clients prefer if you build lead magnets from snippets of material they already have, while others want brand-new special reports, info graphics, etc. Some will tell you; most don't mind spending to create a new lead magnet piece. After all, this isn't "spending" like on paper supplies or the electric bill - it's an investment from which they hope to earn a handsome return in the form of new sales and new leads. Your role is simply to recommend what you think is best.
Jen Adams –