How to Find the Online Copywriting Work You’ll Love Most
Nick Usborne
In yesterday’s article I told you why online copywriters are in the enviable position of being able to pick and choose the type of work they love most.
Today I’m going to help you identify the kinds on online writing projects YOU’LL really love to work on.
And yes, these are all in areas where you’ll be able to charge premium fees.
But being successful as an online copywriter isn’t just about the money.
Sure, the money is important. And when you hit six-figures, it’s great.
But … I wouldn’t want six-figures if it meant my every working day was a misery. Life is too short.
And believe me, I know what I’m talking about. Over the years I have taken on a few projects that made me miserable from start to finish. Why did I take them on? Greed. Every time it was because the money was so good.
But I regretted every one of those projects.
There’s really no need to make that kind of mistake, because you can find plenty of projects that are both profitable and enjoyable.
OK … now let’s figure out how you can identify your own “love interest” as an online copywriter.
First, let’s consider the industry …
What lights your fire?
Health and wellness? Money and investment? Fashion and jewelry? Travel and hospitality? Home and garden? Luxury goods? Consumer electronics? Automotive? Aviation? Sports?
Just pick an industry that really interests you. It could be on the consumer side — B2C — with your clients selling to the end consumer. Or it could be B2B, where your clients are selling to other companies.
Next up, figure out what kind of writing you’ll love the most.
This is what’s so wonderful about being an online copywriter. There is a massive amount of work out there for every kind of writer.
Go through this list and put a check mark next to the kinds of writing projects you think you’d enjoy most.
I would love to write …
- Online long copy sales letters
- e-Newsletters
- Blog posts
- Web content pages
- Lead generation pages
- Promotional emails
- Product reviews
- Buyers’ guides
- Video scripts
- Social media content
The kind of online writing work you choose will depend on your natural aptitude and personal preferences.
Maybe you’re a hard-core sales copywriter. Maybe you prefer to write serious editorial content. Or perhaps you’re more of a conversational writer, ideally suited to writing blog posts and content for social media. If you’re more of a technical writer, you’ll find a home writing product reviews, buyers’ guides, case studies, or white papers.
The point being, the online environment offers work for every type of writer.
And that means YOU get to choose. My advice is to choose the industry you feel drawn to, and the type of writing you really love to do.
For me, this is the true magic of being an online copywriter. This is what has kept me so excited about my own work online for 20 years now!
I love what I do because I get to choose the companies I work for, and the kind of writing work I enjoy the most.
That’s it for today.
Tomorrow we’ll take a look at the kind of income you can expect to make.
In the meantime, be sure to scroll down and share any thoughts or questions you may have in the comment box.

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Hi Nick,
First of all, congratulations on the new addition to your family!
In the summer of 2015, I accidentally obtained a client as the result of a mistaken Adwords PPC campaign set up when I was enrolled in your MMW program. Unfortunately, Google wouldn't return the money spent, but I did write a few Web content pages for a client and was paid for it. I enjoyed that project very much. :)
I also agree with you that money isn't everything.
Sheila –
Hi Nick,
How about I just log in here and tell you how terribly nervous I am about getting started; and I haven't even had that much tea today! I have no idea how I am doing, or, if it would please anyone!
I love the list! Any helpful hints on taking the dive in the deep end, please assist...if anyone reads this at all.
Thank you for all that AWAI does to help writers!
Doralyn Bigelow
Doralyn –
Great advice. I would like to write for sewing magazines like Threads or Sew News. Will you write another post about how to approach businesses for work? Thanks
Guest (Harikleia) –
I am a readaholic, (my term) and this work is very interesting. I have been in the gardening industry for over 25yrs. I have a passion for the home and garden. Recent complications have put me out of work and I was looking for something to from my Laptop!! Thank you.
Nick. Again, you're deceiving your readers. The fact is, when you're an online copywriter, you don't get to choose. You have to take whatever work comes to you.
Being an online copywriter means you have the freedom to starve wherever you want. You're constantly looking for work, and finding very little of it.
I'd love to do regular blog posts for my clients. But those jobs come very rarely, and don't last too long. The rest of the time, I'm scrambling to find work. That's the reality of it.
Guest (Robert Lindsay) –
Thank you for sharing Nick! I really needed this article. TODAY!!. I'm new to copywriting and I'm really struggling with the direction I should take. I have hobbies, but it's not areas I'd be passionate to write about.
Would it be wise to choose something you are interested in but have no experience?
I'm beginning to feel a bit stuck!!
Thanks again Nick.
MR –
Now I'm interested in what advice you may have given to Circle of Success member June. Could you include advice you've given to her?
Pat H –
Hi Nick, I really appreciate your willingness to help us "newbies"... my problem is, I'm not even sure what the difference is between all the categories you listed, so I have no idea whether I would like them or not! Am I too old to do this? I don't really think so, but how do I get a crash course in online media?
HappyCat –
Robert, hi again!
Once again, you’re simply describing your own experience.
And I can tell you straight up, just because you’re scrambling for work doesn’t mean it has to be that way.
If your experience were “the truth” for everyone, there would be no 6-figure copywriters and no copywriters who loved their work.
But there are.
Instead of fighting what I say and suggesting that I’m deceiving people, maybe sit back and listen for a while.
Read all 5 articles, put aside your insistence that the life of a freelance copywriter has to be miserable, and maybe you’ll discover a way to get a lot more out of your own copywriting business.
Nick Usborne –
Harikleia, hi
Yes, one of my articles this week will show you how to approach prospective clients. : )
Nick Usborne –
MR, hi
There are no industries that interest you, even on a personal level? Home & Garden, Consumer Electronics, Natural Health, Money & Investing, Tourism, Sports, Tech, Entertainment etc?
I bet there's something. : )
Nick Usborne –
Doralyn, hi
Everyone is nervous. : )
Starting any new business is scary. It’s particularly scary when you have to reach out to those first three or four prospective clients.
It was the same for me when I started out.
But that feeling passes. Once you have two or three projects under your belt, you’ll start to feel more confident.
Honestly, I’d be more concerned if you didn’t feel nervous. : )
Nick Usborne –
Nick. I never said the life of a freelance copywriter has to be miserable. I'm saying that's the reality, from my experience.
Your articles are all positive. "You'll have so much fun, and make so much money." But the reality is, you're constantly searching for new clients, and not finding many who have a need for your services.
I'll read your other articles. But I've used methods offered by copywriting gurus like you and have yet to find one that got me a steady stream of work & income.
Guest (Robert Lindsay) –
Nick. First, I very much respect your talent, background, and genuine encouraging personality. Very real... that's awesome! Some pro writers say pick a niche industry and work in it as a one-stop shop because clients prefer not to deal with multiple writers. Others, as you've mentioned, say niche in an industry and media style. Do you think the difference is the size and complexity of the client? Or maybe it is personal experience doing the talking?
Brad Dunse –
Brad, hi
You can do it either way... Do all kinds of web writing and copywriting for a single industry. Or having a writing specialty and offer it across several industries. You can also double up by offering a single writing specialty within a single industry.
It's a matter of finding out what works best for you. Where your interests, skills and passions lie.
Nick Usborne –
First, I greatly respect your talent and genuineness. Some pro writers say to niche an industry alone, because clients look for one-stop shop writers as to not deal with more than one writer. Some, as you've stated, say to niche an industry and also a media type(s). I like what you've said. I know passion matters. Do you feel the advice difference is client size? Or maybe just personal experience?
Brad Dunse –
Hi I like all of the list. Just I have a hard time to find time for doing freelance writing. However I hope you can somehow help me with this. Can you give me some pointers on how to write my OWN copy? I write my own ebooks and pattern books but don't know how I would go about writing my own copy to sell my own stuff. Any pointers? Any help with this is most appreciated.
Jeannine –
Hey Nick,
Thanks for the articles, I'm looking forward to reading the rest of them this week.
I'm interested in writing; Online long copy, Sales letters, e-Newsletters, Blogging, Lead generation pages, Promotional emails, Product reviews and a mess of other things that I can't think of at the moment. I'm very interested in the local art scene here in Newfoundland and Labrador being a fledgling artist and writer. I'm also interested in helping adults suffering with childhood trauma. Cheers!
Ricardo –
Hi Nick,
Got lots of exciting ideas from your last webinar. Currently I am absorbing as much as possible from Katie & Rebecca in the Accelerate Copywriting course while trying to plot my future.
I am a storyteller, I love research. B2B interests me most; white papers, product reviews, buyers guides seems to fit my style. e-Newsletters are a close 2nd. I know what appeals to me.
Now I need some ideas on how to narrow my niche. Or can e-Newsletters be a niche?
Tony B –
I'm so excited about this opportunity, my mind and my heart go in several different direction. I wrote in college,a thesis and two dissertations. I'm a Christian and still have a hard time focusing on what area that would not be to techical. I want my reader's to becited and want more! your thoughts
Guest (Dr A J Jackson PHD PSYD) –
Jeannine, hi
Funnily enough, writing copy for your own stuff is really hard. : ) But the skills are the same. Learn to write powerful copy for others and you'll have the skills to do it for yourself as well. The challenge when writing for your own products is to distance view your products through your customers' eyes.
Nick Usborne –
Tony B,
E-Newsletters can absolutely be a niche. One of my favorites because the gig is get paid every week or month. And a great fit if you are a natural storyteller.
Nick Usborne –
Dr Jackson,
What industries or businesses interest you? If you want your readers to be excited, you need to be excited too!
Nick Usborne –
Robert, hi - again! : )
I know there are a lot of copywriters who struggle day to day. My point is, it doesn’t have to be that way. Just don’t accept that “reality”.
The other reality is the one I have been living as a freelancer for 35 years now. And it’s the reality I have taught to thousands of freelancers over the last 10 years.
There are great clients out there who are really good to work with and pay excellent fees. They’re out there and you can find them. Don’t accept anything less.
I’m not saying it’s easy. It isn’t. It takes persistence. But it’s definitely doable.
This is the path I teach.
Nick Usborne –
Hi Nick, I have taken your 2.0 course, so I know about your strategies for success. I have questions similar to Brad's. From the client's perspective, they need numerous products and do not want to hire different copywriters for each need. This calls for copywriters to have many skills and to be skilled across numerous media. Any comments about this?
Nora King –
Hi Nick, I've responded once already but I'll make another comment in response to Robert's comments.
We hear next-to-nothing of the people who do not complete the AWAI programs and of those who fail in their efforts to implement what they have learned. Just as with anything else in life, there are going to be those who succeed and those who don't. AWAI is no different that other marketers in that they place their success stories front and center as they promote their programs.
Nora King –
Nora, hi
Not all clients are going to be the best clients for you. If a company wants a generalist who can do all kinds of different work, and that's not your thing, move on.
Find the clients who will value the core skill you are offering.
You're the boss of your freelance business and your life. Find the clients who will place value on what it is you offer.
Nick Usborne –
Hi Nick I'm new to copy writing. I am an unpublished children, teen and adult author. I love to write stories of Supernatural/horror, mystery and romance. I don't want to run a copy writing business but I am interested in doing copy writing. I'm doing the Accelerated program and I want to find my niche. I've worked with children that's all I've done for almost twenty years beside working for AT&T for a couple of months. I love video games, anime, manga and cartoons and movies. Where do I fit? Can you please help me? Thanks.
Guest (Janice) –
Nora King. I have completed two courses offered by AWAI. For example, I completed Steve Slaunwhite's "Practically Painless Prospecting" course.
I am using the techniques Steve advocates to reach out to prospective customers using targeted emails. It helps me to make connections. What it doesn't do is get work for me.
I'm doing everything that AWAI recommends doing in order to find clients, and it isn't paying off. That's why I take issue with Nick's sunny attitude sales pitch.
Guest (Robert Lindsay) –
Hi, Nick I would like to write promotional sales.
On the other hand, I am interested in health and wellness. Even though I am very new and inexperience, I am excited about the possibility of learning copy- writing. It is intellectually stimulating. I hope to be good at it.
Rita –
Janice, hi
What do you mean exactly by, " I don't want to run a copy writing business but I am interested in doing copy writing."?
Let me know and I'll be better able to answer your question.
Nick Usborne –
Rita, hi
Good for you. Your excitement and positive attitude will take you far!
Success as a freelancer is fueled by two things - your outer game and your inner game.
The outer game is all about learning the skills and marketing your services.
The inner game is about your mindset... and a positive, optimistic mindset is often the difference between those who do just OK, and those who really shine and succeed.
Nick Usborne –
Thanks. I hear persist until balance of "life on my terms" and a niche--industry or media or both-- gives lift-off. Just needed grounding. I'm good with that. I've gotten one client before finishing Accelerated Copywriter ;D. Fortunately, I've had success at things others didn't, with the same opportunities. Life is funny that way. People have different reactions and attitudes towards unsuccessful outcomes. Those two have more to do with success or fail than any skill itself, IMO.
Brad Dunse –
I want to be a copy writer but, do I have to make it out of a business? I'm new to copy writing so maybe I'm not understanding this. All the things I had mention in the comment before this one about being an unpublished author, working with children for nearly twenty years is all I know. Where do I fit? Thanks.
Guest (Janice) –
Brad, hi
Great comment. As for unsuccessful outcomes, they happen to me all the time. Whenever I try something new, I "fail" more often than I win. But I don't dwell on it. I treat it as a learning experience and move on. I'm always in motion. : )
Nick Usborne –
Janice, hi
I'm still not 100% clear about your question. As a freelance copywriter you offer your copywriting services to a company, working on their marketing materials with them. As such, you don't really create a company or conventional business, but you do work as a solopreneur, working on projects with your clients.
Nick Usborne –
Okay thanks, you answered my question about the copy writing part. And I do apologize for not making it clear enough. Now, about the niche part. I have worked for nearly twenty years with children in a before and after school kids environment and I was a teachers aid. I'm an unpublished author for children teen and adult books. I love writing fiction. My interest is children and what they like. Where would this fit? Thanks.
Guest (Janice) –
Janice, hi
Well, all and every business that supports kids - games, toys, books, youth travel, fashion, entertainment, education.
It's a huge market. : )
Nick Usborne –
Once snagged by the Medici, second-to-none talent Michelangelo was in the driver seat. He was able to leverage his B2B (i.e., Medici to Vatican) appeal with his B2C (i.e., shepherd to sheep) inspiration.
You see? Maintaining Augustine's 'City of God' required BOTH the wealth of the Holy See AND the paid-for indulgences whence sinners could streamline their journey to heaven. And art was the best enabler of both; the only means by which the Reformation could duly be countered.
Guest (Chris Morris) –
The problem I'm struggling with is weird. What's keeping me from going all out as a copywriter is I feel I'm just working another job. Yes I can choose who to work with but I'm still looking for work and doing it for someone else. Wanting to create passive income is my desire. Even royalties can run out after a while. What is the way to create a platform to build upon? I don't do mlm anymore so that's not an option.
Guest (Martin ) –
Martin, hi
Sounds to me like you're looking for this:
Nick Usborne –
Nick, I'm relatively new to AWAI,and would like your recommendation on the best approach to take for a beginner. I'm interested in email newsletters, white papers or case studies. Is it realistic to be able to pursue this directly, or would you suggest a different approach, say taking a copywriting course first,then pursue a niche such as the ones I mentioned above? Thanks alot for your opinion!
Guest (Steve Heisinger) –
Steve, hi
You can certainly jump straight in and work on the e-newsletters, case studies etc.
That said, I always strongly recommend that every freelance writer take AWAI's 6-Figure copywriting program. Copywriting is a core skill that will be of massive help to you throughout your freelance career.
Nick Usborne –