Let Me Introduce You to My Mistress
Will Newman
Yesterday, we heard from best-selling author and entrepreneur James Altucher when he told us why he loves to write.
That love of writing came through loud and clear in his delightful essay.
His essay prompted me to look within myself and ask why I love to write?
My love started 53 years ago when my mother bought me a Hermes Rocket portable typewriter.
She bought it for my homework. But I found other uses for it, of course.
That small, matte-green typewriter unlocked something within me.
I used it to type my high school homework, of course. And I used it in college, even into graduate school.
In my teaching career, I used it as a tool for writing IEP's and reports. Occasionally — only very occasionally — I'd also write stories, poems, essays of my own. (None of which survive to this day.)
The Hermes Rocket gave way to the Apple IIe … which gave way to other Apple computers.
Then came my transition from education to copywriting. Becoming a copywriter meant I could earn a living with my words. But it also unleashed a hidden love I didn’t realize I had.
So, why do I love writing?
I get to play with one of my favorite things: words.
I get to build with them. Change them (revising and editing). Communicate with them … as I'm communicating with you right now.
And as someone whose heart conceals an introvert, writing brings me among other people without leaving my comfort zone.
Writing lets me learn.
Writing lets me explore in ways I might not otherwise.
These are just some of the ways I love writing. But mostly I love it because …
… I feel good when I write.
And I feel something’s missing when I don't.
Writing is my mistress … a mistress my wife Linda gladly accepts.
But I’ll admit something about the writing I do.
As a copywriter for about 20 years, I've been dependent on pursuing clients. This very necessary (or so I thought) part of copywriting battles against my introversion.
I told you recently how I learned about ways of making a good living as a copywriter … without having to pursue clients.
So, today I’m giving you a link to a recorded webinar Rebecca and Nick Usborne did revealing how you and I can continue to pursue our most favorite activity — writing — and make good money from it … without having to find clients.
Click here to see that webinar. It's free … and very, very informative.
Once you’re back from viewing it, I’d love to hear your thoughts. Please comment below to tell us.
And be sure to return tomorrow when Nick will expand on this client-free way of building a lucrative writing career. But if you're eager to get started on building a client-free business writing on subjects you love, take a look here.

The AWAI Method™ for Becoming a Skilled, In-Demand Copywriter
The AWAI Method™ combines the most up-to-date strategies, insights, and teaching methods with the tried-and-true copywriting fundamentals so you can take on ANY project — not just sales letters. Learn More »
Introversion incredibly talented. I give it a five ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️👌
Guest (Jewels) –
I really am not thrilled about all the upfront fees. I have paid $50 and all i seem to be getting for that, is access to more info that requires more fees. I have a bit longer for my refund, but id like to start making money, before u should ever expect me to pay more. I'm homeless and was jobless for 2 1/2 yrs. I'm working several jobs just to make it, right now. I do love to write and this field sounds perfect,but I shouldn't be expected to pay money, to learn how to make it, in such a perfect profession, for me.
Hello Will, you told every one the mystery of your life.It was interesting that you refer"mistress" as your writing Actually I spent a lot of money out of my pocket to pay for Money Making Website program ,set up my own website, paid for the SBI ...even the fee to renewal for another year.
But I did not earn one penny out of my website yet?
I do not know what is wrong with it. Will I continue for next year or let it go.
Thank you for your great article Jennie
jennie –
I didn't have a typewriter like you. After the move before junior high, I no longer had somewhere for outdoor adventures, but I always had pencils and paper for school. I don't know if I have enough background with my passions to do an MMW. I was too introverted maybe to do well in the job thing. If you guys keep rubbing off on me, maybe I'll squash the chicken and nab some clients soon.
Tamara Kratzer –