These 12 Copywriting Projects Can Make You the Most Money – Part 2
Sandy Franks
Yesterday, I shared the first six on the list of most wanted copywriting projects in today’s market.
Now, you might wonder if the order is random?
The answer is no. These 12 copywriting projects are ordered in the exact way you might be shown how to do them if you were a member of an in-house copywriting team.
You would start with revenue boosting ad inserts, which was the first project on the list and work your way through all the others. Think of it as “ascension” learning. The first projects on the list are the foundation of the more complex copywriting projects. You can’t get to #12 until you’ve successfully mastered #1.
Today, the remaining projects on our list are the more involved copywriting projects. But these are also the ones that can garner you the most money.
Banyan Hill Publishing, a division of Agora, Inc. has mastered the art of writing webinar scripts and hotlist campaigns. They’ve done so well with this type of copywriting project, their latest effort generated $11 million overnight. The response was so overwhelming, and so much more than they had anticipated, they had to halt the campaign almost immediately. By the time they paused it, the tally was $13 million in sales.
Can you imagine what it must feel like to be the copywriter on that project? You’d be to the moon with excitement and pride. Now, think how much money you would have earned in royalty income? A little quick math, and you’d be looking at royalty income at close to $650,000.
That’s life-changing income. It’s also one more reason why knowing how to write the 12 hottest copywriting projects is good for your career.
Yesterday we left off at #6. Here’s the other in-demand projects, starting with #7.
In-Demand Project #7: Email Autoresponders and Funnels. Autoresponders are a series of pre-written emails that automatically continue the dialog with your customer, offering value and useful content on subjects you know they’re interested in. They build trust and goodwill, creating a relationship with the prospect so they are more likely to buy more of the goods and services your client offers. This is a must-have copywriting skill.
In-Demand Project #8: Revising a Successful Control Sales Letter. Take an existing control and “freshen it up,” and you can have a brand-new, high-performing sales package in just a few days. That not only keeps royalties flowing for you … it means your client can be marketing new and relevant copy rather than having to wait for new sales packages to be written. But it takes a special kind of know-how to revise a control without killing response.
In-Demand Project #9: Captivating Landing Pages. The landing page is the place all your ads … all your email lifts … all your autoresponders drive your potential buyer. It’s also the place you send the prospect to sign up for a free report or free e-letter. It’s got to be great. In an instant, your prospect must see the immediate benefit of staying on the landing page and settling in to read the sales copy you’ve written for your client. You can’t be a great copywriter without knowing how to write landing pages.
In-Demand Project #10: The Long Form Sales Letter. One of the most coveted and prized forms of copywriting is the long form sales letter. Starting with a good idea and overflowing with proof, long form sales letters generate the highest responses. But there are a lot of moving pieces that must go into every successful long form sales promotion, including in-depth research, the headline, lead, the close, and the offer. Master these elements and you’ll jump to the top of your client’s list of copywriters to call.
In-Demand Project #11: Video Sales Letter, the Ultimate Money Maker: Skillfully converting a sales letter to a successful Video Sales Letter (VSL) can double, even triple response. For you, the copywriter who gets paid royalties … it can mean hundreds of thousands more in income each and every year. VSLs are so powerful because they have the potential to engage your reader on a much higher level. But they have to be done just right or else you risk the prospect hitting the delete button.
In-Demand Project #12: Online Webinar Scripts and Hotlist Emails. This is the same copy project that generated $13 million for a financial division of the giant newsletter publisher, Agora, Inc. All online webinars lead to one thing: a sale. The webinar itself can be in the form of a PowerPoint-style “talking” promotion, or an interactive webinar, or an actual live video. But what makes them more powerful is the hotlist emails. The sole purpose is to get highly qualified prospects excited for the webinar. This means writing content-rich emails that ratchet up the excitement for the webinar and the sales letter that follows. Knowing how to blend sales and rich content is key.

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