5 Simple Ways to Prove Your Value to Copywriting Clients
Proof and credibility.
It’s a crucial element of any sales piece.
It gives someone confidence in the decision they’re making.
And helps them justify that decision once made.
Your potential clients are no different …
Prove to them that you have what it takes and that hiring you is a “good” decision, and landing projects will come easier than you could ever imagine.
But how can you prove it?
Let’s look at five different ways …
Proof Piece #1: Your Website
Your website is the first piece of proof a client will come across. It’s the ultimate sample that proves you can write to a specific audience (in this case, your ideal clients).
It also helps the client see your writing style. And if written properly, shows them you understand how to write copy and content that leads people to take action.
Your website also gives you the opportunity to talk about any experience you have in the industry and training you’ve received. (Remember, since we’re the gold standard for training writers, and well-known in the industry, be sure to make note of learning programs you’ve mastered through AWAI!)
Proof Piece #2: Samples
Whether you want to write articles, emails, marketing funnels, collateral pieces, long-form sales letters, or anything else, a portfolio of quality samples that showcase your writing skills is one of the strongest proof pieces you can have.
A solid portfolio shows you have the skills to take on the specific writing assignments you’re hoping to get hired to write.
But often writers think, “I need samples to land clients, but I need clients to get samples.”
Not true …
A sample is just that … a sample of your writing. What clients really want to see above all else is that you have interesting ideas, the style of your writing, and your ability to string words together.
You can easily put together three or four samples by either writing them with the intention to suit your targeted niche, or using assignments you’ve done when completing various AWAI programs. (Several AWAI programs offer the opportunity for your writing to be reviewed, so you can get professional feedback and know your samples are polished and portfolio-ready.)
Proof Piece #3: Certifications/Badges
Things like AWAI VerifiedTM and other certifications give potential clients a bit more confidence, knowing that someone else has tested and vouched for a person’s understanding of the skill they’re looking to hire.
Just make sure there is a clear explanation of what the badge implies, like we have here. That way, potential clients can understand its value and have a realistic expectation when hiring you.
Once you’ve collected any types of reputable badges, certifications, or verifications, be sure to display them on your website front and center so they’re easy to see.
Proof Piece #4: Participation Online
Potential clients are always plugged in to their audience, whether it’s in blog comments, social media groups, online content fulfillment, or forums.
They’re watching what people are saying and will notice you if you’re helpful at providing information that’s beneficial to users. They’ll see firsthand that you know what you’re talking about.
Demonstrating your skill set by participating with their audience is not only a great way to prove your value, but also a great way to get their attention.
They’ll know who you are when you do reach out (if they don’t reach out to you first!) …
Just ask AWAI Members Jim Wright, Li Vasquez-Noone, Mindy McHorse, Charlotte Hicks, Heather Robson, and dozens of other AWAI Members who were “discovered” online and now write for us!
Proof Piece #5: A Well-Written Letter/Email to Clients
The final way to prove your value is in your initial communication with potential clients …
Whether you reach out to them by mailing a letter or sending an email, it’s critical that you demonstrate professionalism, writing clarity, and the ability to lead them to action.
And remember the ‘copywriting 101’ principle, it’s all about what’s in it for them …
Focus on how you can help them with their ongoing writing projects and goals. And try to use specifics whenever possible …
For example, if you notice things they don’t have that could have a positive impact, such as customer testimonials in their emails or on their website, show them the potential value and then offer to interview their best customers using your copywriting skills to ensure the testimonials are effective.
So, there you have it …
Five ways you can “prove” to potential clients that you’ve got what it takes.
You don’t need to have them all … but if you put all five into place, you’ll have plenty of proof to land the clients you want this year.
Do you have any questions about any of the five proof pieces? Let us know in the comments below so we can get you the answer.

The AWAI Method™ for Becoming a Skilled, In-Demand Copywriter
The AWAI Method™ combines the most up-to-date strategies, insights, and teaching methods with the tried-and-true copywriting fundamentals so you can take on ANY project — not just sales letters. Learn More »
If I write reviews ,could I provide a link of the review on my website to that review. Thanks Tim
Guest (Tim) –