How Copywriting Royalties Work

Man with many hundred dollar bills and laptop on his desk, recording copywriting royalty fees in a journal

One of the perks of being a copywriter today is the sea of opportunity …

You have so many options!

You could write and get paid for projects like emails, e-newsletters, case studies, white papers, and more.

But only one type of project offers you a “bonus” income stream.

Sales letters.

They’re the lifeblood of most direct-response marketing campaigns.

For one simple reason — they bring in sales!

And that’s why it’s often standard practice for companies to incentivize copywriters to do their very best … with royalties.

Royalties are additional payments you receive based on the performance of your copy.

Essentially, you’re getting a slice of the pie for every sale your words generate.

Here’s how it typically works:

You write a sales letter for a client.

They pay you your project fee. And with most writing projects, that’s the end of it.

You did the work. You got paid. On to the next project.

But with sales letters, many clients will also pay you a 2%–3% royalty on top of your project fee.

So, using some easy math to illustrate …

If your sales letter generates $100,000 in sales, your royalty would be $2,000.

That’s “bonus” money for you since you’ve already done the work.

But the real beauty of royalties is how they can add up …

Because if your sales letter continuously brings in sales, your client will keep using it, sending it to prospects for years.

That means a single sales letter can keep generating royalties for you long after you’ve finished writing it.

And this goes for EVERY letter you write that continues to be mailed …

Meaning you could be getting royalties on numerous letters at any given time.

At AWAI, we’ve been paying royalties on some sales letters for over 20 years now …

And most of our copywriters have numerous sales letters currently in rotation, which means every quarter, they’re getting paid for a variety of projects they wrote in the past.

When you factor in the bonus income stream created from royalties, it’s easy to see why some copywriters choose to write sales letters.

Interested? You can learn more about the project and our bestselling training here.

And if you have any questions abut copywriting royalties, please share with us in the comments, so we can get you the answers.

The AWAI Method™

The AWAI Method™ for Becoming a Skilled, In-Demand Copywriter

The AWAI Method™ combines the most up-to-date strategies, insights, and teaching methods with the tried-and-true copywriting fundamentals so you can take on ANY project — not just sales letters. Learn More »

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Published: June 11, 2021

9 Responses to “How Copywriting Royalties Work”

  1. Hi Rebecca; I've been wondering if the sales copywriter sees proof of the amount of subscriptions sold via the sales letter; or just takes the client's word for the amount of subscriptions sold and royalties earned. How does that part of the process work? Thank you!

    Guest (Roberta)

  2. Hi Rebecca

    Which other projects can royalties be applied to?



  3. I, too, would like to know the answer to Roberta's question, on how the "audit" and verification side of these transactions work.

    Persuacious --PERSUAsive - audaCIOUS

  4. RM: That's a wholesome attitude and sage advice.
    Yet, I think of President Reagan quoting a Russian proverb to Gorbachev: "Trust, but verify." So-Must I forbear writing for any Gorbachevs? (Some deep pocket clients there!)
    It's not necessarily mistrust. Small clients,as you note, lack capability to track sales accurately. An impartial tracker would be fair to both sides, accurate and avoid disputes. Do you know of one?

    Persuacious --PERSUAsive - audaCIOUS

  5. Hi Rebecca,

    Which are the available systems for a copywriter to control the real sales? How can you be sure your client is not going to tell you the sales were lower to avoid paying you what was agreed?



    Guest (Carlos)

  6. Hello, I just listened to a long introduction on what a Copywriter does from Barefoot Writer and found it intriguing. My question is how you set up things on your back end...are you self-employed with your own small business? With no steady income,is there a way to not setup that way?

    Guest (Rebecca )

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