Monday Morning Jumpstart:
Finding Joy as a Writer
The best part about building a well-paid writing career is that YOU are in charge of your life, your time, your income, and the people you work with. You’re never beholden to a single company … a single boss … or someone else’s vision. Which means that it’s your job to find your own joy.
When you become a well-paid writer, you have the opportunity to build your life exactly the way you want it to look. And finding joy is a part of that.
But before you can do that, you have to be brave enough to dream.
What would make you and your family truly joyful?
How can you make sure you’re getting daily joy in your life – while you build your career?
In today’s Monday Motivation for Writers session, AWAI Chief Success Officer, Ted Capshaw and Director of Training, Jade Trueblood, discuss the 5th Pillar in Ted’s Pillars of Vision series: Belly Laughs and Dreams.
It might sound light-hearted, or even silly … but the truth is that if you’re spending your time building a career and not considering what truly brings you joy … you can easily forget why you got into writing in the first place.
Watch for Ted and Jade’s insights on looking deep inside yourself to make sure you’re going in the direction of your dreams as a writer.
Catch up with the previous issues in the “Pillars of Vision” series here:
Pillars #2 & #3: Time and Values
Join us every Monday Morning for a boost of writing motivation, plus tips and strategies to make sure you're staying on track and moving towards your goals all year.

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hey Jade & Ted, I got a huge belly laugh when I let myself go ahead and dream big (I wanted to own my own radio station). And I laughed because it's what I pretended at age 11, when my mom gave me a portable, rather small, reel to reel tape recorder for my birthday! Glad I reached into my young self to feel that dream. I think I'd truly be happy with my own little recording studio! Looking forward to reconnect about all these dreams and ideas in the future! Thank you!
Erika –