7 Specific Ways You Can Help the Companies Who Need You NOW More Than Ever …
and Thrive as a Writer at the Same Time!
It may seem counterintuitive …
But history proves that companies need skilled writers in challenging times more than any other.
It’s why the demand for skilled copywriters is never-ending … and why so many successful writing careers are launched and thrive in “less-than-ideal” economic times.
In this free training, we’ll explain why …
And show you seven ways you can help any client’s business — and set your writing career on a rocket path to success.
It’s one of the many great things about being a copywriter …
No matter what’s happening in the economy — businesses need you!
When times are good, businesses can “step on the gas” with content, offers, and messaging that meets their customers where they are: in a mood to spend.
When times are tougher, like they are now, the messaging needs to be different — more helpful, more supportive, more empathetic — yet still “sell.”
It’s a subtle shift in tone.
Understand this as a copywriter … and you will thrive!
Because one thing is for certain:
Businesses don’t have the luxury of “not” talking to their customers.
And the businesses that will have the most success in this (or any) economy are the ones with messaging that connects with their core customers …
Gives them what they need at this moment in time …
And makes them feel welcomed, comfortable, and safe.
This training will show you what you can do to help companies right now — and thrive as a writer in the process.
Make no mistake.
This may be the most important live event we offer this year.
So much of success in anything we do happens “in the margins.”
Which is why understanding the subtle shift in the needs of the businesses who need you is so paramount to your success right now, even if you’re just starting out.
It’s why — as you’ll see when you watch — some of the most successful copywriting careers have been launched in the most challenging of times … when you’re needed most!

The AWAI Method™ for Becoming a Skilled, In-Demand Copywriter
The AWAI Method™ combines the most up-to-date strategies, insights, and teaching methods with the tried-and-true copywriting fundamentals so you can take on ANY project — not just sales letters. Learn More »
Ladies,this was an excellent podcast. I was hanging on every word and got more and more excited as the hour went forward. I have been trying to decide what area to focus on as I have more experience in more things than most get to do in a lifetime. I finally have the answer! Search for what you love and do that. Perfect. Thanks so much. Susie
Susan J Tucker –
Thank you.
Guest (Elaine Roe) –
Are you looking for an easier way to make money doing some things you have always done. Such as writing an outline on a sunday school lesson based on the Bible verse your preacher has selected to preach about at Sunday's Church Service. Love your neighbor as your self. We can all practice this try it for a week.
Guest (Bravegirl) –