How to Get More Work Writing Video Script
B2B marketing is changing fast. An incredible amount of money is shifting to online video.
More and more business-to-business companies are using online video for their websites, social media campaigns and for many other types of marketing promotions.
The typical fee for an online video script can range from $200-$300 per scripted minute of video, with a $500 minimum (in case the video is only 30 seconds to 1 minute long, for example).
So ultimately, you could get paid up to $1,500 for a 5-minute video script!
Steve Slaunwhite shares an important tip for how you can take advantage of that growth and get more work writing scripts for online video. Check out the video to learn more.

How to Write Online Video Scripts for B2B Companies
Write online video scripts for your B2B clients and capitalize on this emerging trend. Learn More »
It seems the link to the SWF video is broken and the "Play Video" only downloads the Flash player. Needs to be looked in to.
Scott T –