Write Now! Persuasive Writing Prompts:
Where Do You Generate Your Best Ideas?
Practice your copywriting skills with this prompt from The Professional Writers’ Alliance (PWA).
This Write Now! tip, will help you identify your most effective writing time and why that’s important.
In this video, Casey Demchak, B2B copywriter and coach, encourages you to pay attention to your writing habit and focus on when you do your best work. (Or read the transcript below.)
Joseph Heller, author of the classic book, Catch-22, once said this, "I think of writing as a private enterprise … since so much comes from rumination … I have to be alone. A bus is good. Or walking the dog. Brushing my teeth is marvelous – it was especially so for Catch-22."
He went on to say, “Often when I am very tired, just before going to bed, while washing my face and brushing my teeth, my mind gets very clear … and produces a line for the next day's work, or some idea way ahead. I don't get my best ideas while actually writing."
The truth is, many writers get their best ideas when they’re doing something other than writing. How about you?
Write a few paragraphs about when YOU generate your best ideas. In the shower? In the garden? While you’re running? Make this the week during which you get really clear and confident about how YOU create your strongest ideas.
This will empower you to be confident and certain about who YOU are as a writer.
Now, get out there and make it happen.
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Write Now! persuasive writing prompts are presented by the Professional Writers’ Alliance (PWA) — a professional association just for direct-response industry writers. Learn about the many benefits of a PWA membership.

The Professional Writers’ Alliance
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hi Casey, Really an excellent advice. You are right some time ideas come from out of blue. It is better to put it on paper immediately.
Thanks & Best regards,
Al Basit –
This seems to be a very great and interesting career and I look forward to participating and joining the team. Also, For the most part it seems legit.
omonet11 –
Most of the times I generate my best ideas in a quiet room completely alone. How ever, for my poetry that made it to the semi - finalist was composed in a low key living room. I love to lay my back on the bed and just visualize. My environment like when I was in California plays a major role of getting my creative juices flowing as the ocean inside of my head because I'm hearing 15 Minute Manifestation that's very peaceful and that's how I write. I don't have to be creative at a beach that I own
Guest (InternalIntelligence) –
I am not sure where or when inspiration comes to me. It just comes. When I am happy or sad or tired or rested. I wrote a poem for my horse Tuffy, who passed. I sent it to Smartpak to thank them for the great products that helped Tuffy, and they published it on Facebook! They did a nice job.
I am pretty good at research and I get a lot of ideas when I am doing research. I think some of my ideas are great and some not so great. I am not afraid of trying.
Musick –
Most of my writing is for my own interests. I love to write about what I read and I like to write well. I have a personal blog where I post summaries of novels. I write reviews for an online reader's site. I write flash fiction for a community website. My best time to put together the first ideas for content and later revisions is very early in the morning. I get more ideas for revisions as I'm writing. That gets frantic as my thoughts run ahead of my writing!
lisa25 –
My mind fires off around midnight or after. Lots of new ideas come during that time. I research my ideas and take notes often. I document for later use.
Noelle100 –
I have never come up anything creative during my lifetime. True story - nothing pops in my head when I walk the dog, take a shower or do whatever else people usually do. So as I am quite unoriginal when it comes to writing I have resorted to stealing... I spend my time scavenging on the internet, reading great sales letters and emails, watching videos. I take their angles, ideas, structures and stitch them together into my very own little Frankensteins.
So yes, I am pretty bad when it comes to being creative but then again why do I need to reinvent a bicycle. Wouldn't it make sense to copy genius instead of create mediocrity?
Guest (Kendrick ) –
Great ideas come when am not looking for ideas!
It happens in a weird way. For an idea to pop up I usually let my mind absorb as much information needed… then... I let myself forget about it.
Hours, days or weeks later… suddenly… WHAM…the great idea pops. This happen in the evenings, in the shower, late nights when my eyelids are heavy, after an exhilarating jog or exciting day.
Capturing it on paper, recording it in my memory, is what I have a challenge with. See the idea comes in 15 seconds or less and if I don’t pause lock it in memory or write it… then… it’s like money in a casino, it just vanishes and I lose it.
P.S. I have got good ideas after a glass of wine, or after doing ‘what couples do’ …. No comment.
Dodi –
Day 7
Where do I generate my ideas?
Sometimes stuff just comes easy, other times it's hard to come by.
But... My ideas mainly come from being stress-free. I can't also deny the fact that when I'm under pressure ideas flow.
It can be at the football pitch or when taking a walk.
Enough talk...
Right now the ideas aren't flowing.😂
To be honest, when I think something usually comes up. It may not be what I need at that moment. But, I will surely need it.
So, I just open my note to draft it there to access when I need it.
Ohhh, when I see things too. I just think how can this be done differently.
Guest (Saifullah Fateh) –
I just joined AWAI last month and haven't had time to think critically where and when ideas come to me.
However, I have an insurance background, so I may use what I know about insurance to start things off.
When I was in the insurance business, ideas came flooding in, in the early hours when I have peace and quiet and the phone is not ringing.
I think writing is both challenging and exciting. If only I could find a mentor that I could work for free. I could start with research and email. I am also interested in Cause marketing.
Billikpi –
My best ideas come after the deadline and the assignment has already been turned in. I usually get jolted out of a deep sleep and wished I had used a different word in a headline to make it more powerful. Or in that sentence. It just shows how powerful your subconscious is in bringing things out. Maybe I should start the project earlier.
D Kirby –
Ideas/inspiration don't necessarily come to me at a specific time of day, during a certain activity, or when actually writing.
I get my best ideas when I'm present and aware enough to receive them. When I ignore the noise inside the mind, the voice of the ego and all its chatter either gossiping, complaining, or critiquing self or others.
When I immerse entirely into whatever activity I'm engaged in, observing and absorbing all that each experience has to offer, idea concepts are often born or further developed.
Sara Scribes –
I generate my best ideas for what to write about while I’m running. I think it’s a combination of things that culminates in the optimal condition for generating new ideas. The first element is the physicality of running that gets not only my blood pumping but also my mind. My practice is to go before daybreak so running wakes my senses both physically and mentally. Next is breathing in fresh air which oxinigates my entire body including my brain. Cleansing the mind eliminates unwanted thoughts that inhibit creativity. Lastly, running in solitude frees your mind to wander to places organically and with curiosity.
Guest (Lori) –
As I love to write about my travel destinations, my writing is always done on location. I never go anywhere without pen and paper or canvas and paints. The wonderful world around us inspires me. Watching the people who live in an area is fascinating to me. Can sit at a corner bistro and watch people all day and put myself in their shoes for a moment. The saying I've heard all my life is "Stop and smell the Roses". That is my motto in life. Life is a journey - enjoy it as much as you can.
Beth-el –
Truthfully as a newbie, I tend to get my creative juices flowing when I’m scanning the web, reading articles, scrolling my feed and seeing clever advertisements and when going through emails. I find words, phrases, images etc that I found to be interesting or see something I have a better idea for.
NickkLuna –
Where to find Ideas to write on Writing is a lonely business.You have to sit alone, without being distrusted, to write and to produce a readable piece of writing.While taking a walk, walking your dog,be observant enough to see what is taking place around you, around the environment you are in,the community you live in, then think of what you can do to bring change, to improve life of people, that is where writers get ideas to write on.Make a Suggest to bring change, criticize the society, educate the community, inform them of their rights and the rights of others, and entertain the society.There are more ideas to write on within. Thinking of what write about, start with immediate-self-you, then to proceed to your immediate surrounding.
Kosiyae Yussuf –
Late night in bed, walking in the park, early morning community to work, and life lessons are all good places to have great ideas.
I see writing as a form of expressing energy.
I have read a few great books on how to write persuasive copies. I join the newsletter so I can have the opportunity to write more.
Guest (Alexwrite) –
I would love to write about some of the stories that I read in the Bible. Getting started is a hard thing to do. Some of the women in the Bible a very creative, but some of them don’t have much to say. I am going to make it a point to write about one of the ladies in the Bible this week.
Guest (Angie) –
I generate my best ideas when I am alone. The morning is a very clear time for me to do things fresh, and for new insights to come through. Also, ideas come to me when I step away from work and breath, stretch, meditate, do qigong, or do martial arts. When I practice, my mind clears, and fresh thoughts come. I also generate great ideas from reading more on a subject. Once I have new material in my mind, I can step aside, do nothing, and ideas will come. New material produces different thinking. The more tools in the mind, the more possible combinations exist. Oftentimes, great ideas come up while I am lying in bed at night.
Jason Molder –
Usually when I’m at work or on public transit, or at work, or at church, or working out, I would get my ideas, but mostly at work when I’m not doing much. It can also be in different forms of mediums such as TV shows, movies, music, books YouTube videos, the internet in general and so on. Lastly, my daydreams, thoughts, life experiences, and interest of topics can also help with my ideas. Right now, I have lists of ideas for my short stories, novels and blogs/articles on Google Docs, my notepad and Google Keep.
Guest (Leslie Loo) –
When I started my first novel, I wrote in the evenings due to family duties and work. Now, I write when I want to. Some of my ideas come to me out of the sky or sometimes from a novel I've just read. But, mostly just from my inspiration.
Guest (JoAnneF) –
My imagination is triggered by something alarming that I see, read, or hear. It could be a comment, a headline, a dream, or a look. I use it in my novel when one of these occurrences keeps repeating itself in my dreams.
Svea –