Final Call for AWAI’s Brand-New Business Building Intensive
If you’re planning on attending AWAI’s brand-new Virtual Business Building Intensive, I strongly encourage you to claim your spot today.
Due to the hands-on, interactive nature of this event – the personal feedback, live Q&A sessions, and expert reviews of each and every website – we have to limit attendance …
And as of today, only a few spots remain.
This is the first time ever, 8 of the top experts and coaches in our industry are coming together to take you step-by-step through building a complete freelance business … in less than 30 days!
Remember it doesn’t matter what your writing specialty is or how much experience you have (or don’t have).
We’ve designed this for all levels of writers … from those just starting out to actively working writers … even advanced writers.
Best of all, you won’t have to step outside your front door because the entire thing is virtual.
Sign up by February 16th at midnight ET and you’ll get:
-An immediate $1,000 off the regular price! (And, you can divide your investment into 3 equal payments and register today for only
-Access to all eight (8) live (virtual) training sessions where you’ll work with each of our experts to develop every piece of your business, including: crafting a marketing message you love, building your information kit and website, attracting a steady stream of prospects, closing clients, negotiating higher fees, and a whole lot more.
-The recordings of every session so you can re-watch the step-by-step training as many times as you’d like.
-BONUS #1: Build Your Freelance Website in Four Days Webinar series (a $399 value). With access to this complete course, you can follow along “click-by-click” and easily build your very own freelancer’s website! And, this process isn’t complicated. (If you can turn on a computer and check your email, you can build a website.)
-BONUS #2: Expand Your Client Relationships (and Make More Money!) (a $495 value). In this bonus session, Clayton Makepeace – one of the world’s most prolific “A++” level copywriters – will give you his best business-building secrets – tactics he personally uses – to maximize income on every project.
-BONUS #3: AWAI’s complete program, Essential Templates for Your Copywriting Business (a $129 value), so you’ll look like a pro from day one … whether you need project management templates, a proposal, an invoice, legal agreements, or pricing terms, it’s all there. Just download one of the 16 templates, modify with your info, and send.
-Professional, private reviews of your LinkedIn profile, information kit, and freelance website … and feedback to tell you exactly how to improve.
-The exclusive Facebook group tnetwork with other writers, ask questions, or discuss anything else you can think of …
-100% risk-free guarantee to try out Virtual Business Building Intensive. You can attend the first three live sessions … then, if (for any reason) you don’t feel satisfied, simply let us know before March 14th and we’ll arrange for you to receive a prompt and courteous 100% refund.
But please be aware …
All the above is only available if seats remain when you sign up.
When all 150 seats are claimed, registration will close …
Which could happen very soon, so don’t delay!
Register now here to claim your seat.
Or, click here to get more details.

The AWAI Method™ for Becoming a Skilled, In-Demand Copywriter
The AWAI Method™ combines the most up-to-date strategies, insights, and teaching methods with the tried-and-true copywriting fundamentals so you can take on ANY project — not just sales letters. Learn More »
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