Site Audits Are a
Stepping Stone to Copywriting Jobs
How Site Audits Can Lead to
More Copywriting Jobs for You
Poorly written and designed websites are keeping thousands of companies and organizations doing business online invisible to potential prospects and customers.
That’s where you come in. As a copywriter with a knowledge of marketing principles and effective copy, you’re ideally suited to conduct a site audit.
With a site audit, you review a website’s content and layout, as well as some of the behind-the-scenes elements. You identify areas in need of improvement and prepare a report for the client.
And you don’t have to be a web expert or tech guru to do it. With the easy-to-follow checklist in the Site Audits Made Simple program, you can quickly create a professional plan to improve a client’s website.
But here’s the best part: a site audit naturally leads to future copywriting jobs with the same clients you just completed a plan for.
Who better than you, the website expert, to make the changes to the web content, work with the web designer to tweak web design, and other tasks to boost their ranking in Google. And you’ll be top of mind whenever they need help of a copywriter for future web content projects and online marketing campaigns.
Site audits are a stepping stone to future copywriting jobs, as these AWAI members have found out …
“I can now propose and then provide a comprehensive site audit for clients faster and with more confidence. I show up as the 'obvious expert' with a real solution. And those clients will come back to me as the first-choice copywriter when they take action on the recommended tweaks and corrections to their web site pages.” – Mike Searles
“The best thing about it is that it provides a great introduction to a potential client. Even if the client doesn't want to pay for the audit, I still use many of the tools in the audit to help me create a task list for what the client needs done with their site. I have won clients simply by proposing to them what needs to be done, and they have been impressed with my extremely detailed list of problems and solutions, going page by page through their site.
“For clients willing to pay for ongoing work, the site audit is a terrific way to begin the relationship, even if you don't charge for the audit itself and just use it as part of your proposal.” – Dan Magill
“It allows you to awe potential clients with your knowledge and skills by simply assessing their website's effectiveness, in a professional manner. Once the client is duly impressed, your suggestions for future work will be like instructions they simply cannot ignore. You create a thirst they must quench. Can you say CLIENT FOR LIFE???” – John P. D. Batson
Remember, as a copywriter you have a great foundation for offering this valuable service to potential clients. The Site Audits Made Simple program will give you the specific skills you need to wow clients and approach them so they hire you for more copywriting jobs.

The AWAI Method™ for Becoming a Skilled, In-Demand Copywriter
The AWAI Method™ combines the most up-to-date strategies, insights, and teaching methods with the tried-and-true copywriting fundamentals so you can take on ANY project — not just sales letters. Learn More »
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