Monday Morning Jumpstart:
4 Pillars of Business: Finance
To help you navigate the business side of the copywriting industry, we’ve created a four-part series in Monday Morning Jumpstart: 4 Pillars of Business.
In today’s episode, Ted Capshaw and Jade Trueblood talk about the third pillar: Finance.
Because the money is what gets you to whatever you want your version of the writer’s life to be, it’s important to know how to make money …
But you also need to understand the importance of effectively handling the money.
To guide you, Ted and Jade reveal two questions you should be asking yourself when it comes to money and also what a healthy relationship with money looks like. And they also talk about practical financial issues, such as income taxes and accounting.
If you missed the first two pillars, watch them below!
Pillar 1: Culture & Connection
Pillar 2: Systems & Techniques
Join us every Monday morning for a boost of writing motivation, plus tips and strategies to make sure you're staying on track and moving towards your goals all year.

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We all have scars on out own souls from being terrorized by out culture. And our relationship to money is one manifestation of that cultural terror. Thank you Ted and Jade for the reminder in today's Jump Stat
Wes Andersen –