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25 Lessons I Learned from 25 Years of Freelancing

Steve Slaunwhite shares 25 lessons he’s learned as a freelance writer, so you can use them to gain speed and ease.

How a (Parenthesis) Helps You Avoid Overwhelm and Achieve Your Writer’s Life

If you’re like other AWAI writers, you want more than anything to spend your days living the writer’s life — a life where you thrive. Your dreams fulfilled — you in control, calm, creative, and competent. You’re proud of your work and confident your contribution matters. And you get to have fun. Unfortunately, just like the rest of us, you may have some days that spiral downward — drowning you in distractions as you fall. You quickly feel overwhelmed, exhausted, and don’t know which way to turn. Worse, the days when you haven’t gained a shred of precious momentum on your dreamed-for writer’s life. Ugh! The good news is, there’s a trick to help you take charge and handle the overwhelm. Better yet, to prevent it in the first place. And there’s a bonus — beyond just handling overwhelm, this trick (when consistently used) will set you up for success and productivity every time you sit down to work.

Overcoming Doubt and Bridging the Gap: 5 Steps to Launch Your Writer’s Life

While you have been dreaming about creating your writer’s life — a life of creativity and freedom — you may not be sure where to start. Part of it could be that this is a brand-new territory for you. And the other part might be doubt creeping in. You might be wondering, “Can this even be done?” or “Can I find success too?” Don’t let the doubt turn into fear — because you can do this. And today we’re going to talk about how.

She Almost Gave Up, Then This One Writing Skill Saved Her

Mindy McHorse suspected that learning one simple skill would change her life, and she was right. Here’s how she broke into the world of well-paid writing, and how you can too.

AWAI’s 90-Day Success Intensive: How Three Carefully Chosen Rocks Can Catapult Your Copywriting Career

It was 15 minutes to show time, and I suddenly found myself running across a busy street in San Francisco, frantically searching for the nearest Walgreens. My mission: To find a box of Kleenex and bring it back to the Dalai Lama. Never had a simple box of tissues taken on such importance, both for what it was about to do, and the nose it was about to serve.

Unlock the Hidden Opportunity Tailor-Made for Passionate Writers

It’s one of the Top 10–ranked universities in the U.S. And since it also happens to be in Chicago, which was Neal Taparia’s home state, going to Northwestern University made perfect sense. His older sister attended Northwestern and had a great experience. So really, it was a no-brainer to choose that school. Now, as you know, many of the assignments you do while in college require writing term papers and essays. And you have to cite your sources.

Answers to the 4 Common Outreach Questions Aspiring Writers Have

I’m thrilled to hear you’ve come this far and taken all the right steps toward getting clients, especially compiling your list using AI, searching LinkedIn, and identifying the trade associations your ideal clients would belong to. Those are all excellent resources, and they complement each other perfectly.

Not Sure How to Get Started? Get Inspiration from These Successful Writers

So for inspiration, encouragement, a boost, and ideas for how to move forward from where you are now, check out these stories of everyday people who have created successful writing careers.

9 Ways to Make Money Writing Stories for Businesses

Whether you’re a natural-born storyteller or it’s a skill you want to hone, you can learn how to weave stories into your writing projects. Storytelling is one of the most compelling elements of marketing you can learn. Imagine the stories you can share in these nine writing project examples.

How to Use the 3 Rs for Writing an Amazingly Good Story… One Your Client Will Gladly Pay You Top Dollar to Do

Storytelling is an essential skill to have because it allows us to connect with others on a deeper level. Whether we are crafting a fictional tale or sharing a personal experience, storytelling lets us communicate ideas, emotions, and experiences in a way that engages the reader. Sandy Franks shares how to use the 3 Rs for writing an amazingly good story.

Building a “Better Home” for Your Words… (and Why It Could Catapult Your Writing Career)

As a copywriter, you’ve spent countless hours learning how to write copy and content. And thanks to that time you’ve invested in honing your craft, chances are you’ve landed a few clients and are living some version of your writer’s life. But how do you get to the next level?

How Writers Can Earn Up to $300 an Hour Telling Stories

Picture for a moment… You’re looking for a water filtration system for your kitchen. Just the right one. After all, they’re an expensive investment, often $500-plus. Some sit under the sink and need to be hooked up… Some sit on top of the counter but take up valuable space… Some filter certain things out, and others use a different type of filtration system to protect you against other contaminants. Because this is costly and will be used daily, you want to make the best choice. So, you do your research. You look at the features of each type of system. How it works. What it protects you from. Which doctor or professional endorses it. Eventually, you’ve narrowed your options down to two brands. But how do you decide?

New Writer and Don’t Know Where to Start? Do This…

Today, however, new and aspiring copywriters don’t have it so easy. Because the path isn’t as clear-cut as it was 20+ years ago. Nowadays, the options are endless! You can choose to write sales letters… do SEO copywriting… write chatbot scripts… focus on case studies or white papers… social media… and more. And while this is great because there’s so much opportunity… The downside is that it can be overwhelming and keep you from choosing. Instead, you end up spinning your wheels and not making any real progress toward your dream of the writer’s life. That’s why Guillermo wants to help out — and give you a simple path to follow.

40 Booming Niches for B2B Copywriters in 2024

Despite the lingering aftereffects of the pandemic and the burden of inflation, there are many good things happening during these challenging times.

A Hot New B2B Project You Should Know About

Recently, Lisa started to get questions from some copywriters in her B2B Writers International group about how to price a new kind of project they were being asked to take on. A couple were small projects that were easy to price. But a couple were much bigger in scope. It wasn’t until the third such request that she realized there might be something going on… a new trend in the market that spelled opportunity for B2B content writers.

Five Million-Dollar Copywriter Moves You Can Master by Binge-Watching Bridgerton with Your Bestie

Here are five million-dollar copywriter moves you can master by binge-watching Bridgerton with your bestie.

Getting Writing Advice from a Fighter Pilot

When Kathleen was recently forced to attend a motivational speech at her day job, she was prepared to zone out... she didn't need an overpaid sports figure to motivate her to do her job. Then the speaker was introduced as a former Air Force Fighter Pilot and Lead Solo Thunderbird Pilot. She was intrigued.

Build Your Freelance Digital Copywriting Business by Focusing on 3 Different Project Types

Nick Usborne shares three project types that have served him the best over the last few decades.

Make More Money from a Broader Range of Freelance Engagements, with a Little Help from AI

Perhaps the hardest part of being a freelancer is landing new clients. Month after month, year after year. Finding new clients takes up a lot of our time. And for many of us, it’s our least favorite part of being a freelancer. That’s why it’s so important to maximize your revenues from every project you land and hold on to your clients for longer than one gig. So… how do we do that?

To Increase Your Income, Be the Architect…

Building a house is a complicated thing, involving numerous skills and trades. The foundation needs to be poured, the walls need to be framed, the roof has to go on, the plumbing and wiring need to be installed… and on and on and on. A number of different skill sets are required, and everything needs to be done in the correct order. And while each tradesperson is a trained expert in their own area, only one person really understands how it all goes together. That person is the architect.

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