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How to Find the Pain Points of Your Ideal Clients

Your self-promotion for copy services should not be about you. Instead, it should be about something very important to your ideal clients. Find out more...

What to Do When… The Client Doesn’t Like the Copy You Deliver

It happens to every copywriter at some point… the client doesn’t like the copy you deliver. Learn three different ways to handle it.

4 Best Practices for Networking in Person

In-person networking is a great opportunity to make a strong impression. Especially when you use Ilise Benun’s 4 best practices for building relationships.

The Formula for Properly Pricing Your Freelance Copywriting Fees

If you use this formula, you’ll find that figuring out fees for your copywriting services is easy and lands you more profitable assignments.

4 Negotiating Tips for Copywriters to Get the Best Deal

Clients will try to negotiate. But if you follow these four simple guidelines, you’ll learn exactly what to say so you get the best possible fee.

What to Say to Close the Deal

Knowing how to ask for copy projects can help you close more deals. Use these strategies from Ilise Benun to boost your confidence and land more clients.

5 Strategic Goals for Your Email Marketing Newsletter

An email newsletter is the ideal marketing tool for copywriters. It’s a great sample of your work and keeps you top of mind with prospective clients.

Package Your Copywriting Services in 8 Simple Steps

If you don’t know how to price your services right, you'll sink into the pit of “desperation pricing.” Follow 8 steps to package your copy services.

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