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Answers to the 4 Common Outreach Questions Aspiring Writers Have

I’m thrilled to hear you’ve come this far and taken all the right steps toward getting clients, especially compiling your list using AI, searching LinkedIn, and identifying the trade associations your ideal clients would belong to. Those are all excellent resources, and they complement each other perfectly.

3 Good Reasons to Invest in the Structure of Your Business

So many people who come to me for mentoring tell me they won't feel confident enough to start looking for clients "until they have all their ducks in a row." And that makes sense … When you're starting something new, you need a solid foundation. Otherwise, you feel like you're floating out there, unmoored and without an anchor. That kind of instability is very unsettling. I get that. The best way to fight that instability is by having a strong foundation. Building the structure of your business before you begin looking for clients will make you feel much readier to take the inevitably challenging steps required to actively pursue the clients you want. Here are three good reasons to invest the time to do this.

Are You a Newbie or an “Experienced Newbie?”

You bring a lot to the table as a copywriter, even as a beginner. Here’s how to examine your unique skills and nip self-sabotaging internal dialogue in the bud. Do this simple exercise to discover what you have to offer clients right now.

No Bites on Your LinkedIn Profile? 3 Simple Things to Try

Marketing is all about timing. Your ideal clients need to be in their moment of need in order to find you and engage you for a project. Here’s how to put yourself in the right place to be found when they need help…

Using Common Sense to Start Your Copywriting Business

When you connect the dots between the need in the market and the services you provide, you set yourself up for great success as a well-paid writer. Ilise Benun outlines what you need to do…

The Real Way to Build Confidence

When you use your business as a laboratory for growth, you can experiment, try out new things, and practice. And what you learn will make you better at business. See how this can impact your long-term success…

Having Pricing Challenges? 8 Things to Try

Knowing what fees to charge prospective clients is an ongoing question for beginning (and advanced) writers. Here are eight options to test to find the best solutions for you.

Unmuted by the Pandemic

The pandemic has had a surprisingly positive effect on creative professionals who are self-identified introverts. Here’s how they’ve found new success and how you can make this work for you too.

Are You Waiting to “Feel Confident”?

Forget about confidence — there’s something else you need instead. Use this other trait to get started and move forward in your copywriting business.

Is This What You’re Afraid Of?

If you want to make money as a copywriter, but you feel stuck in a loop of preparation, you may have a hidden fear holding you back. Here’s the solution…

Your Clients Are Not Your Business

Developing the right mindset to succeed in business means you need to take it seriously from the beginning. Do the three things outlined here to build a solid, steady writing career.

How to Confidently Convert Your First Prospect Into Your First Client

Here are a few lessons you can use when you find yourself talking to a prospective client. Follow these three steps and you’ll know exactly what to say to them.

How to Use What You Learned Since 2020 to Improve Your Life in 2021

2020 gave us time to pause, and many used that time to think and to learn new skills, including copywriting and business-building. Now, here’s how to apply the lessons and do better this year.

What to Include in Your LinkedIn About Section (Especially When You Have No Experience)

Your LinkedIn About section can help you land clients — when you share this key information. Discover a tactic that works, even when you don’t have any writing experience (yet).

How to Differentiate Yourself Using Only Your LinkedIn Title

Catch the eye of prospective clients with a powerful, attention-getting LinkedIn title. Discover 17 ways to make your title stand out to marketers looking for a copywriter like you.

A Shortcut to Starting a Copywriting Business (During a Pandemic)

Get your writing business off the ground when you take the shortcut you’ve already got access to. Ilise Benun shows how to connect the dots and build a successful career starting today.

No Need to “Launch” Your Writing Business. You’ve Already Started…

How you talk to yourself about starting your business could impact your progress… Here’s how you should look at the process for a smoother path to the writer’s life.

Are Your Plans Derailed? I Don’t Think So

The entire planet has been thrown a curveball this year, and how you respond is up to you. Here are some suggestions to help you move forward productively.

Should You Get Your Ducks in a Row?

If you want to make money as a copywriter, having a solid structure for your business can be the confidence-builder you need. Here are three reasons why…

When Is It Time to Call Yourself a Copywriter?

Find out what self-sabotage habits hold you back and get tips on overcoming them so you can move forward in your personal and creative goals…

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