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A Simple Article Writing Template for Faster Content Creation

An article writing template is the secret to producing more high-quality articles in less time. Here's a simple and effective template to get started.

5 Small Things that Can Lead to Daily Progress

Feeling stuck on how to move forward in your writing business? Doing these five simple things daily can help you make progress toward your goals.

5 Steps to FOCUS (Follow One Commitment Until Successful)

Committing to your goals is the key to achieving them. How do you do that successfully? FOCUS on these five simple steps to maintain your commitment.

5 Steps to FOCUS (Follow One Commitment Until Successful)

If you want to achieve a big goal, you need to FOCUS – Follow One Commitment Until Successful. Make a serious commitment to yourself and your success.

How Long Will it Take? Six Tips for Estimating Your Project Times

When you take on a project, both you and your client want a solid idea of how long it will take. Use these tips for accurately estimating project times.

10 Signs You Were Meant to Work for Yourself

If you’re meant to work for yourself, you likely feel it. Deep down inside, you know you’d do better, be happier, and live a richer life as your own boss.

A Simple Template for Faster Content Writing

Writing content is a great path for becoming a freelance writer. In this article, discover a template for writing faster and keeping writer’s block away.

How to Write an Email Signature that Brings You Business

Adding a professional email signature to your email programs can help you attract more referrals and more projects.

9 Ways to Increase Your Name Recognition

Christina Gillick helps you find opportunities to market your freelance business.

You Don't Have to be Perfect

Christina Gillick reevaluates what it takes to get your freelance business started.

Six Steps for Choosing and Using a Big Idea

Christina Gillick gives you the one question she asks every time she starts to write copy, and why it is so vital.

Why All Writers Should Combine a Niche and Specialty to Get Paid Sooner

Choosing both a specialty and a niche can help you get your copywriting business up and running fast. Christina Gillick lets you in on how.

Motion Beats Meditation

Christina Gillick wants you to take the first step, push the rock over the edge, dive in, get your freelance career going!

7 Ways to Overcome Fear

Christina Gillick has some advice for differentiating fear and anxiety, and why neither should keep you from living the writer's life.

How to Turn Potential Clients into Paying Clients

Christina Gillick has an easy, 3-part technique for building a lasting, paying relationship with clients.

7 Ways to Avoid Email Misinterpretation

Christina Gillick provides some great tips to make sure the message of your email is received the way it should be.

3 Ways You Can Make Money Writing For The Internet

Christina Gillick lets us in on 3 of the many different opportunities web copywriters have to make money online.

Move Your Business Forward in 30 Minutes a Day

Christina Gillick gives us a quick and easy framework to start planning our daily routine to help boost our copywriting career.

How I Created an Import/Export Money-Making Website

Christina Gillick reveals how she used her web writing skills to create an import/export money-making website.

How to Find an Idea You’re Passionate About

Creating content is a major step in creating a profitable freelance career. In today's Writer's Life, Christina Gillick helps you find an idea that can help bring in the clients, and the checks.

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