Free course from American Writers & Artists:
“Secrets for Creating
Red-Hot Sales Copy
in No Time Flat”
With Clayton Makepeace
Registration is absolutely free
but enrollment CLOSES on Thursday, October 10th:
Click this link to reserve your place
in this complimentary three-part course
while there’s still time!
Everybody knows Clayton Makepeace makes a ton of money for his clients.
There’s also no question that his own income is off the charts. After all — he didn’t earn the title, “America’s highest-paid copywriter” for nothing!
But what only his clients know is that Clayton is also one of the fastest writers around. Blindingly fast!
He often turns around full-on sales pages — even video sales pages — in as little as ONE DAY!
Think about that for a moment …
Imagine yourself being able to crank out an effective, even industry-beating online sales page or direct-mail package every single month.
Just do that — and charge a nominal fee of, say, $10,000 per project — and you’re already a six-figure copywriter.
But what if you could do one major assignment every week? Now, you’re talking about $520K a year in fees alone.
Throw in royalties and you’re easily making over $1 million a year!
Now think; what if you could create a complete sales page in just three short days … or in two days … or even in a single day?
That’s more Clayton’s speed!
And not only does he do it without breaking a sweat … his copy sings and soars.
More importantly, it generates tens of millions of dollars per year for his clients and almost always blows away anything they test against him.
So what’s Clayton’s secret?
That’s what I wanted to know.
… And so I asked him!
The big guy just chuckled: “I guess after doing this for 42 years, I’ve kinda worked out a process that makes it all fall into place naturally.
“In fact, the copy just sort of writes itself …”
The copy writes itself?
Could it really BE that easy?
I had to find out. So I asked a huge favor: I asked Clayton to teach a course on how to write stronger copy faster.
… And he said YES!
Better yet, your price for this three-session course is ZERO. Yup — not a dime!
Here are the details:
Course Title:
“Secrets for Creating
Red-Hot Sales Copy
in No Time Flat”
With Clayton Makepeace
Session #1: Friday, October 11th
Session #2: Monday, October 14th
Session #3: Tuesday, October 15th
Each session will begin promptly
at 3:00 p.m. Eastern Time
(2:00 Central, 1:00 Mountain,
12:00 noon Pacific)
FREE — simply click this link
Now, this is important:
You MUST be on-board NO LATER than
this coming Thursday, October 10th
— just 4 days from today —
or you will miss Session #1
when Clayton presents it this coming Friday!
In Session #1 on Friday, October 11th, Clayton will reveal …
- The most common blunder copywriters make — absolutely DESTROYS the power of your copy …
- A gut check that can help you keep today’s most common response killer OUT of your copy …
- How to quickly and easily identify the benefits that will make your prospects eager to buy …
- Why benefits are never enough: Two far more powerful selling tools nobody ever told you about …
- How to read your prospect’s mind: Three ways to know what you must say and what you must do to convince your prospect to order, and …
- Much more!
Click this link to register for free!
Plus, in Session #2 on Monday, October 14th, you will discover …
- How to select the most effective spokespeople for your project — and the four qualifications your spokesperson MUST have …
- The four qualities of a winning theme: Simple “litmus test” instantly tells you whether your theme is strong enough …
- The ONE missing factor in most online sales copy — how adding it can double your response and revenues …
- 7 blockbuster theme concepts for your next promotion …
- 8 simple steps that will lead you to the most effective theme for every kind of sales copy you write …
- The 5 parts of an irresistible offer and how to use each one, and …
- MUCH more!
Click this link to register for free!
And in Session #3 on Tuesday, October 15th, Clayton will reveal …
- How to create a video sales page that can quadruple response — and your royalties, too(!) …
- 6 reasons why video sales pages typically generate $4 in sales for every $1 static sales pages produce …
- How to write a great Video Sales Letter in 17 simple steps …
- 9 Rules of Thumb for creating bigger winners, more often, and …
- Much, MUCH more!
Registration is free and takes only a few seconds: Just click this link now!

The Makepeace Method for Making a Fortune Writing Video Sales Letters
Video is taking the Internet by storm. It’s why Video Sales Letters are used so often. They work! And now, Clayton Makepeace reveals his make-your-clients-rich formula for writing Video Sales Letters. Learn More »
I just wanted to find out if there were replays available? I registered on Thursday in time, but i jumped on it so fast that i forgot i had a Dr appt. on Friday @10:30am pst. So i missed the first day=(
Sincerely, Kim
Guest (Kim Davis) –