Find Copywriting Success with the Infinity Program
The Infinity Program Can Speed Up Your Freelance Copywriting Success
As a freelance copywriter, you’re always on the lookout for clients. You scan the freelance job sites, contact potential clients, market yourself through social media, submit specs, and get referrals.
But often you find that you’re not exactly “qualified” for these copywriting jobs. Yes, you’re well-versed in persuasive writing and perhaps a specific niche.
But the job might be in a niche you’re unfamiliar with or call for a type of writing you haven’t done.
In the past, you had to pass on these opportunities. But now you can take on just about any of those high paying copywriting jobs that come your way. That means growing your freelance business — and achieving copywriter success — faster than ever.
As part of AWAI’s Infinity Program, you get access to the full library of AWAI resource — worth more than $40,000 — for a drastic discount. It’s more than 130 programs, books, webinars, and more that you get for a fraction of the price if you bought them separately.
Of course, you can’t put a price on having this library at your fingertips.
Say you complete a project for a client — a series of emails for a product launch. Then the client asks if you can also handle the social media effort for the campaign. You already know the client and the product and their goals for the campaign.
With the Infinity Program in your back pocket, your lack of experience in social media is not an obstacle.
You simply review Nick Usborne’s program, How to Make Money as a Social Media Marketing Expert, and you can take on this new copywriting job with confidence.
That’s just one example. With all the resources in the Infinity Program, you can imagine how the number of copywriting jobs you can apply for opens up.
And, of course, you can also make time in your schedule for continually expanding and improving your copywriting skills by going through programs that interest you, one by one.
Get your hands on the tools you need to land high paying copywriting jobs with the Infinity Program.
Enrollment for the Infinity Program is now open – sign up today before it's too late.
Or, go here for more details.

The AWAI Method™ for Becoming a Skilled, In-Demand Copywriter
The AWAI Method™ combines the most up-to-date strategies, insights, and teaching methods with the tried-and-true copywriting fundamentals so you can take on ANY project — not just sales letters. Learn More »
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