How to Earn $2,000 Using a Simple Website Content Checklist
Larry started his career as a truck driver.
But one day as he was driving his truck through nearby neighborhoods in Chicago, he noticed how much trash the owners were piling up in their yards.
Larry figured some of that trash might be worth scavenging through because after all, one man’s trash is another’s treasure.
So in 1953, using the $15,000 he managed to save up, Larry bought a truck for hauling trash and secured a route from the already up and running Harvey Scavenger Services.
But after several runs, Larry realized there weren’t too many items worth saving, so over time, he started dumping all the trash he had collected in Chicago’s South Side landfill.
Instead of a scavenging company, what Larry really had created was a trash hauling service.
And he managed to carve out a nice living doing it too … enough that he was able to quit his truck driving career.
Then in 1968, Larry Beck met Dean Buntrock. He also had a trash hauling company and he talked Larry into merging their two businesses. They named their new business Waste Management.
The two started their brand-new Waste Management company at a time when towns used small bug-smelly dumps, and backyard incinerators were the norm for garbage disposal in America.
Their trash hauling company was a huge success. And each year, it grew by leaps and bounds. To help them continue on an upward trajectory of growth, they brought in a third partner, Wayne Huizenga.
By 1991, the three partners turned Waste Management into $6 billion-a-year company.
Larry, being the oldest of three partners, decided it was time for him to retire and leave the running of the business to Dean and Wayne.
And run it they did. (It’s revenue is now $14.4 billion.) Except there was one problem … their numbers were being manipulated.
You see, once Waste Management started rapidly growing, they went from being privately owned to a public company listed on the stock exchange. By that I mean, investors could now buy shares.
And once a company is put on the stock exchange, a requirement is that their accounting books and records must be audited. Waste Management hired Arthur Andersen, one of the Big Five firms, for the audit.
That’s when Arthur Andersen found errors in Waste Management’s accounting books. The senior officers of the company were using fraudulent ways to reduce business-related expenses so the company’s bottom line looked bigger to investors.
And the bigger the bottom line, the more money the senior officers made. But it all came crashing down when Arthur Andersen discovered the little tricks they were using to inflate numbers.
This shows the power of an audit. And while accounting firms audit numbers, there’s a type of word audit you can do that can help a website stand out from the competition.
I’m talking about reviewing a client’s website, figuring out which pieces of content should be rewritten and then offering to do the rewrites. You see, most clients aren’t sure whether their homepage copy or About page copy is up-to-date or includes the right information.
And this means they need the help of a well-trained website copywriter … a writer who can spot mistakes and easily fix them. And that is where you come in, Dear Copywriter.
Once you get trained to spot mistakes on a website, you could charge clients as much as $2,000. And that’s just the start of how much money you can make. Because not only can you get paid to show what areas need improvements, you can get paid a second time to actually make those improvements.
So basically you get paid twice … once for doing the “audit” of the website and again for making the changes.
And this is easy to do when you follow the simple system created by website content auditing expert, Pam Foster.
She’s developed a simple checklist that shows you what portions of content on a website usually contain errors. After you go through the checklist, you share that information with your client. Of course, you charge your client a fee to perform the audit.
Along with the audit, you offer recommendations on what areas to fix and, of course, being a skilled writer, you’re the one who can make those changes. And once again, you charge your client a fee to write the content changes.
This is by far one of the easiest ways to get your foot in the door with clients and when that happens, it’s “easy-peasy” on being hired to make all the changes.
It happened this way for AWAI Member Bamidele A. After learning how to use Pam’s system, she sent us a quick note, “My first client was very impressed with my knowledge and it has led to more work for me. It has added tremendous value to my business.”
Enrollment in Pam’s website content auditing live Certification program is now open, so if you want to start making an extra $2,000 or more with each client you work with, now is the time to reserve your spot. And you can do that right here.

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