Get Instant Access to Every Copywriting Resource Imaginable
It’s been called the world’s largest archival collection.
Perhaps even bigger than the Vatican Archives, which are huge.
And when I say huge … I mean it.
The Vatican Archives contain 53 miles of shelving and 35,000 volumes of catalogs. And many of those are 12 centuries old. And the subject matter is wide-ranging.
But the Archives Nationales, also known as the French National Archives, contain 226 miles of documents … that’s the combined total length of all the shelves put next to one another.
The archive is famous not just because of its size but also because some of the documents and records on those shelves date back as far as 625 A.D. As you can imagine, the archives it holds are some of the rarest items in existence.
For instance, it even has the last letter ever written by Marie-Antoinette, the last Queen of France.
The Archives Nationales receives requests for records every single day. And depending on what record is requested, it could take anywhere from 45 minutes to a few days to receive the information.
Now, imagine how quickly you could advance your writing career if such an archive existed exclusively for copywriters?
Fortunately, there is a way for you to access almost every kind of writing resource you can imagine. And unlike the Archives Nationales, you don’t have to wait days to get the information you need.
It’s available to you at a moment’s notice.
I’m talking about AWAI’s Infinity membership, which is the most comprehensive library of professional resources offered to copywriters anywhere on the planet.
In addition to instant access, joining as an Infinity member gives you the rare opportunity to have lifetime access to every self-study program … every business-building course … every book, every manual, every template, every home business kit AWAI offers. And that’s 120 resources and counting.
In fact, if you were to add up the total value of the resources you get access to, it would be over $60,000 worth and growing. That number constantly changes every year as we are continually adding new programs.
And because of that, it means you’re automatically eligible to receive every new program we make available.
They’re all yours to keep and use freely. Not just for one year or two or three … but for life. We’re talking about the opportunity to:
- Start, build, and grow your freelance writing business year after year.
- Secure all the clients you’ll ever want.
- Master the writing skills to compete in any niche of the direct-response industry.
The bottom line is this: There is a lot to like about Infinity membership and you can find all those reasons here.
But if I were you, I wouldn’t wait much longer to join. Because right now for a limited time, you can join Infinity Membership for a one-time price that’s a fraction of what you’d normally pay.
You can get the details right here.
Now, you may be wondering, how does Infinity membership work?
Well, let’s say you find a few freelance projects that interest you, but you’re not exactly qualified for them. It’s not that you don’t know how to write persuasive copy, but the job might be a project type you’re unfamiliar with.
Or it’s something you have not done before but don’t want to pass up the chance to take on the project.
As an Infinity member, you simply look through the catalog of resources and find the one that fits the project you want to take on. And because there are over 120 to choose from, odds are you’ll find exactly what you are looking for.
For instance, you land a new client who asks you to write a blog post. You’ve never done one before, so you go to the program entitled, How to Write Blogs for Yourself and Clients: A Step-by-Step Guide to Blogging Success.
You go to Part 3 of the program, which walks you through the five steps in writing an engaging blog post. You follow the instructions and boom … you’ve just written your first blog post.
And better yet, you get to charge anywhere from $150 up to $800 for a few hours of writing.
That’s just one example of the many resources available to you as an Infinity member. And because of the wide range of items available in our library, now you can take on just about any high-paying copywriting jobs that come your way.
This means growing your freelance business — and achieving copywriting success — faster than ever.
Here’s the bottom line. AWAI’s Infinity membership is the best educational value you’ll see anywhere. So good, in fact, that AWAI can only offer it for brief periods a few times a year.
Right now is one of those times. So if you want access to every self-study program, guide, and webinar we offer, including:
- All our specialty copywriting niche programs …
- Everything on Business-to-Business (B2B) writing …
- Everything on becoming a master web writer and marketer …
- Dozens of ways to turn persuasive writing skills into even more money …
- Programs for growing your business, getting new clients, and managing your freelance operations …
- Important programs on graphic design — both Web and print …
- Programs on creating additional income streams, without clients …
- Ways to make more money and accelerate your success …
Then right now is the time to join and you can do that by reserving your Infinity membership here.

The AWAI Method™ for Becoming a Skilled, In-Demand Copywriter
The AWAI Method™ combines the most up-to-date strategies, insights, and teaching methods with the tried-and-true copywriting fundamentals so you can take on ANY project — not just sales letters. Learn More »
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