Write Now! Persuasive Writing Prompts:
Your Major Marker Event
Practice your copywriting skills with this prompt from The Professional Writers’ Alliance (PWA).
In this Write Now! exercise, you’ll connect with a major life event.
In this video by leader, coach, facilitator Ted Capshaw learn how to get in touch with emotions resulting from a major event in your life. Use those emotions to tell a story. (Or read the transcript below.)
Every one of us has marker events that have happened to us in our life. A marker event is something that happens to us that changes the way we approach things; changes the way we think about things.
Today, I want you to think about a major marker event in your life and I want you to write about it. So think back to something that really had an impact on your life. It could be a loss of a loved one. It could be that you moved across the country. Or you decided to not go to college. Anything like that, think about something that really had a major impact on your life. And I just want you to write down specifically what that event was and then also think about what kind of feelings were evoked in it. And then ultimately, I want you to end with this writing piece with how did it really change the way you think and/or approach life?
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Write Now! persuasive writing prompts are presented by the Professional Writers’ Alliance (PWA) — a professional association just for direct-response industry writers. Learn about the many benefits of a PWA membership.

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Been following the many insights and gurus of AWAI and PWA for about a year. In my 80s with a lot of experience as owner/director of 40-staff company for 45+ years. Lots of writing experience, diverse education, confidence, ability to communicate and despite age, lots of energy and awareness, upbeat disposition, ready to write.
Problem: Where to start? Need contacts to produce income and sell my capabilities. Live in Napa but don't travel a lot because of family obligations.
Joe Boyd
quetzxal –
Have you thought of coming to Bootcamp? I say that because there is no one answer to your question. For you it could be to start a blog, website, network a little...there are lots of ways to go about it and almost all of them are discussed in detail at bootcamp.
Ted Capshaw –
In the spring of 2018 I quit my job, packed my stuff and left my home country. At that time I did not think of it as some kind of marker event. I was just moving, this time its was just to a different country. But in actuality I had been defeated by life, so badly that I instinctively wanted to get a way from this place. To have another go at life. When I moved, all that I had on my name I could fit into my backpack. As customs was running my bag through I recall thinking to myself.. hmm you have lived all those years and you dont have nothing to show for it, literally nothing. I laughed out loud, for some reason, I found it funny. I mean, my life is a result of my decisions so the culprit of my situation was looking back at me from mir...
Guest (Kendrick ) –
I have been married for 17 years with three great kids. However, how did all this start.
Years back, my parents encouraged me to think of university. I took their advice … This changed my life.
My friend’s elder brother was now working for a university recruiting program. I called on him, took my chance and begun the application process.
In less than a month, I had an acceptance letter …. My challenge, we did not have a college fund tacked somewhere so we fund raised my first semester fees. All I needed was my first semester tuition and I would work my way throughout the year. Miracles happened … I got my tuition.
This decision to move and go to university changed my life. It was the beginning of meeting my wife and have three kids.
Dodi –
Old enough to vote, too young to drink, a daily traveler of this wide open road. Town to town. Work to play. Day & night.
With friends. For friends. To & fro friends. Music bumping, windows down, speed up. Free as the wind in my hair.
Ticketed thrice for speeding in 1 single day, fines nearly $500, no money to pay.
Months later, somewhere north, car breaks down, now off course. Police arrive, see what they can do, soon aware of warrant or 2.
Didn't pay tickets, under arrest. Middle of the night, starting to stress. Spending the night in county jail, in morning they'll sort out the rest.
Lights out. Cells locked. Freedom lost.
Lesson learned. Laws adhered to. Freedom sustained.
Sara Scribes –