Here’s How to Get Paid $500 for a 350-Word Project
There are a lot of things you can do in two hours, including cleaning your house, pruning your garden, going to the grocery store, or sorting through all the emails in your inbox.
And while these might be daily or weekly necessities, you won’t make any money doing them.
But what if you could turn that two-hour block of time into money … in some instances as much as $500?
And all you’d have to do to earn that $500 is write a single email that might be as short as just 350 words.
While that amount might surprise, it’s the going rate for short B2B emails right now. And that’s just one of 12-plus different types of B2B writing projects that clients need and are happy to pay handsome fees to have completed.
However, the problem is … there aren’t enough well-trained writers to do them all. But if you just happen to be a writer who knows how to do these projects, well, your writing career is about to kick into overdrive.
In just a minute, I’ll show you how to get trained by a B2B writing expert so you can start landing these in-demand projects, but first let me tell you about the different projects and how much you can expect to earn from each one.
Advertisements: In addition to writing emails for clients, you could write advertisements, both print and online and earn anywhere from $500 up to $2,000.
Content: A good portion of the writing projects B2B companies need done these days are all related to content, such as blog posts, social media, articles, and more. And the pay varies from $500 up to $1,500 for articles ranging in length from 800 to 1,400 words.
Key website pages: B2B companies are constantly updating their websites. That's because they're often adding new products and services and updating existing ones. So, as a B2B copywriter, you'll be writing a lot of web copy and you’ll get paid from $1,750 to $4,000 for the projects you take on.
Email marketing: It’s the number one way B2B companies follow-up on leads and engage their prospects and customers. And as I mentioned earlier, you could earn $500 for one single email.
White papers, e-books, and case studies: Long-form content is popular in the B2B world. Many companies are hungry to get their next white paper, e-book, or case study written. And if you know how to craft one of these, you could easily get paid $3,000 up to $7,000.
Sell sheet brochures and scripts for videos: Sell sheets are a popular type of sales collateral for B2B companies as are promotional and explainer videos that highlight their products and services. And more often, B2B companies are increasingly producing sell sheets and videos for their websites, and social media outlets. And you could walk away with $500 up to $1,500 for each one you take on.
As you can see, B2B writers are paid handsomely for their work. Doing any one of these projects means you’ll be earning a good living and could even put yourself on the path to making a six-figure income.
Plus, now more than ever, B2B companies are putting copy and content writers on retainer. B2B marketers want to find someone who can do all these projects and then they don’t want to let you go. It’s not uncommon for a trained B2B writer to earn $2,500 a month or more on retainer, which is a nice base income from just one client. Add more clients, and you can increase your monthly income. You can have a lot of interesting projects to write AND a steady, consistent income.
And one of the easiest ways to make all this happen is to get trained by an expert B2B writer. Luckily for you, Dear Copywriter, AWAI just happens to know one of the best in the business … Steve Slaunwhite.
He’s a 26-year veteran — writing B2B copy for companies of all sizes — and he’s a well-respected coach and teacher.
Right now, Steve’s looking for eager writers who are ready to step forward and become well trained in B2B writing through a new coaching and mentoring program he’s put together exclusively for AWAI members (details here).
During this hands-on coaching, Steve is going to teach you step-by-step how to write all the most common types of B2B writing projects (the ones listed above plus a few more).
By the time you’re done working with Steve, you’ll be ready to take on any of these high-paying writing assignments.
But that’s not all. You’ll complete this live training program with a polished set of B2B samples for your portfolio that you can show prospective clients.
And speaking of clients, Steve will share the “insider” tips and techniques he uses to land clients. In fact, Debbie M., who trained under Steve, used his client getting techniques to get her B2B career up and running and couldn’t be happier.
She says, “I just landed my first client and it's a big job. Three sales pages, four email series of at least five emails each, a handful of social media posts, two short articles for an e-newsletter, and some customer service emails — about a dozen of these.”
There’s no reason the same couldn’t happen for you. With drive, determination, and Steve showing you everything you need to know … you too could easily become AWAI’s next B2B success story.

The AWAI Method™ for Becoming a Skilled, In-Demand Copywriter
The AWAI Method™ combines the most up-to-date strategies, insights, and teaching methods with the tried-and-true copywriting fundamentals so you can take on ANY project — not just sales letters. Learn More »
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