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Exciting news for Digital Copywriter members!

Digital Copywriter just opened the doors to the 2025 Reality Blog Challenge.

Build and Grow Authentic Communities to Increase Traffic, Build Lists, and Sell Products

Heather Robson shares the importance of building an online community and how it can help a business succeed.

AI Updates for the Average Writer

It’s been a year since AI tools become the talk of the town. Check out tips for using AI as a freelance writer. [Including use cases.]

How a Well-Defined Offer Can Help Writers Succeed

Heather Robson digs into how a well-defined offer can help writers succeed. She defines what she means by a “well-defined offer” as well as some of the most in-demand projects, how to become competent with a skill, and how to land clients.

Three Projects That Have Clients Clamoring for UX Copywriters

Companies that understand the importance of UX will hire UX professionals because they know that providing a good user experience is key to their success. Here are three easy-to-approach projects that companies turn to UX copywriters for.

Writers – Use these 4 Easy Tips for Getting Someone to Make a Purchase (It Starts with Being Helpful!)

Prospective customers are more likely to buy from companies that answer their questions and show they care about the overall user experience (UX). Use these four tips to be a helpful guide in your content and create a memorable UX.

10 Little Things to Be Grateful for About The Writer’s Life

Taking time to list “little” things to be grateful for, you may find, like Heather Robson did, that most of them are pretty big things. See how the writer’s life lets you build the life you want, tailor-made to your needs and interests.

Content Writer or Content Strategist?

The demand for more content has created the need for more content writers… and for more people who can mastermind the best mix of content to achieve maximum results. Here are three things you can do in that consultant role so you earn more money.

5 Short Writing Projects That Pay Big Dollars

If quick and easy writing projects are a good fit for your schedule and style, you’re in a great position to build a thriving business earning top dollar. These five short projects are the perfect place to start.

5 Reasons Every Web Writer and Online Marketer Should Master SEO… Starting Right Now!

Adding SEO writing to your skill set will increase the value of your services, open doors to new opportunities, and more. Read five more reasons to give this a try.

Use Project Templates to Grow Your Writing Business — and Your Income — Faster

In addition to helping you start your projects faster, templates can help you grow your earning power in three ways. Discover how you can build your own project templates — and a shortcut you can use.

How You Can Be a Detective, a Scientist, a Psychologist, and a Superhero When You Do This Kind of Writing

Being a UX copywriter is about helping people connect with products that will make their life better. It means solving problems, anticipating needs, and continually learning… all while making a great living as a writer.

3 Tips for Crafting User-Friendly Writing

User-friendly writing is easy-to-read and puts the reader’s needs first. See three easy ways you can make your writing more user-friendly.

Empathy and Writing – How to Connect with Readers

Learn to combine empathy and writing to create copy and content that connects with readers, builds trust, and ultimately drives action.

Three Secrets to Build a Business You Love

Building a freelance business is great. But building a business you love is even better. Here are three secrets to get you started…

9 Marketing Experiments You Can Use to Grow Your Business

Do you avoid new marketing strategies because you fear they’ll fail? Try doing experiments instead. Here are 9 marketing experiments to get you started.

The Best “Feel Good” Opportunity for Writers — And It Pays Well, Too

UX copywriting gives you the opportunity to help your clients better serve their customers. Discover what it is, where to find clients, and why it offers a high level of work satisfaction.

5 Ways to Use Case Studies to Market Your Web-Writing Business

Looking for creative ways to market your web-writing services. Case studies build your credibility and demonstrate your expertise. Get creative with them.

Your Clients Need Your Help Now!

A change is coming that will impact search rankings for businesses of all sizes. A good mobile experience will be critical — creating a huge demand for trained UX copywriters who can help.

User Experience Copywriting Gives Writers a New Way to Stand Out

Companies of every industry and size are embracing UX. Knowing how to create a good user experience through copy and content can open a lot of doors for you as a writer.

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