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Exciting news for Digital Copywriter members!

Digital Copywriter just opened the doors to the 2025 Reality Blog Challenge.

Here Are 140 BILLION Reasons to Build Your Skills as a Freelance Online Copywriter… Right Now

Build a future as a copywriter, faster, when you go where the growth is. With a historic shift in the marketing world, there is big opportunity waiting for you right now.

Get Paid About $3,000 to $5,000 Every Month

Learn more about this writing project that’s in huge demand, you can earn between $3,000 to $5,000 in monthly retainers!

ENDS AT MIDNIGHT: Save $200 on Our Self-Paced E-Newsletter Program

Build a successful freelance career writing e-newsletters… in just a matter of weeks. (Even if you’re a complete beginner who’s never been paid to write before!)

We Long to Belong — Why Community Is the Last Great Marketing Strategy

More than 90% of U.S. companies use social media in their marketing strategy because that’s where their prospects and customers are researching and making buying decisions. But now, prospects on social media are also looking for community and connection. Here’s what writers need to know…

35 Hot Niche Industries for Web Content Writing Jobs in 2024

Succeed faster when you focus your attention where demand is highest. Check out 35 trending niche industries where you can look for content writing jobs.

How to Become a Go-To SEO Content Writer — AWAI’s NEW Training Program

Get this ONE-TIME 80% off discount as we launch our new SEO content writing program. Learn how freelance writers can get paid to write “discoverable content” for clients.

The Site is Right

Join us for a fun and interactive session!

Two Tricks To Help You Catch Errors In Your Writing

As a freelance writer, you want to make sure everything you submit to your client is as perfect as it can be. Here are two tips that can help you catch the errors in your writing.

The Site is Right

Join Pam Foster for a fun and interactive session on how to identify FIVE key areas doing site audits.

What Freelance Writers Need to Know About Emails in 2022

Companies continue to invest in email marketing … for every $1 spent, emails return around $42 in sales. This means that companies use lots of emails and desperately need writers! This guide will help you understand everything you need to know to take full advantage of the opportunity.

What Freelance Writers Need to Know About Social Media in 2022

With 4.5 billion social media users (and still growing) companies NEED writers more than ever. This guide will help you understand everything you need to know to take full advantage of the opportunity.

Your Client-less Copywriting Playback Is Here!

What an Amazing Event! A Virtual “Masterclass” for Building Your Own Million-Dollar Client-less Copywriting Business … From Someone Who’s Doing It Now — and Has Helped Countless Others Do It Too!

Write a Powerful, 83-Word Email About a Countertop Hydroponic Herb Garden… And You Could Get a $200 Prize!

Practice is the best way to keep improving at any endeavor. For a copywriter, that means time spent writing! Follow the “client brief” to do this practice assignment, using tips from a master.

Why Web Writing Is a Massive Opportunity for Copywriters

The web writing world is an exciting place where you’ll discover endless opportunities to grow your copywriting career.

5 New Trends That Spell Opportunity for Digital Copywriters

Businesses spending more every day on online marketing means greater opportunity and bigger fees for digital copywriters. Ride the wave of these five key trends...

Good SEO in 2022 Puts the User First

Effective SEO is about writing for both the search engines and the user. It’s writing so the user gets what they want (a solution to their problem) and the search engine recognizes it will give the user the answer. Six areas are key to putting the user first in SEO copywriting.

SEO Copywriting, The Key to a Well-Paid Writer’s Life

Search Engine Optimization is crucial to any website because optimized copy will draw more traffic. Here’s why effective SEO matters, how SEO works, and how well-optimized copy makes a difference to marketers.

This Exciting Project Will Bring You to a Galaxy Far, Far Beyond the Copy

As a copywriter, you’re typically responsible for writing the words, but one project lets you work with four new elements too. You get to bring your vision to life on screen like a movie director! Find out more about getting started in this fun specialty.

6 Video Scripts You Can Get Paid to Write (Right Now!)

Videos are making a huge impact for businesses — which is why 8 out of 10 businesses are using them. To keep up with demand, they need video scriptwriters. Here are six types of videos you can get paid to write.

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