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What Freelance Writers Need to Know About Emails in 2022

Companies continue to invest in email marketing … for every $1 spent, emails return around $42 in sales. This means that companies use lots of emails and desperately need writers! This guide will help you understand everything you need to know to take full advantage of the opportunity.

What Freelance Writers Need to Know About Social Media in 2022

With 4.5 billion social media users (and still growing) companies NEED writers more than ever. This guide will help you understand everything you need to know to take full advantage of the opportunity.

Why Web Writing Is a Massive Opportunity for Copywriters

The web writing world is an exciting place where you’ll discover endless opportunities to grow your copywriting career.

SEO Copywriting, The Key to a Well-Paid Writer’s Life

Search Engine Optimization is crucial to any website because optimized copy will draw more traffic. Here’s why effective SEO matters, how SEO works, and how well-optimized copy makes a difference to marketers.

Why Good UX Is an Integral Part of These 3 Fast-Growing Writing Projects

UX copywriters write copy and content which focuses on user goals and the user experience. Here are three of the fastest-growing writing projects right now… and how UX is a big part of their success.

7 Easy-to-Learn Writing Projects That Pay $1,000 or More

For the fastest start, choose an easy-to-learn writing project, like the seven options outlined here. Set yourself up to earn your first $1,000 quickly and build momentum in your freelance writing career.

3 Types of Content Templates You’ll Be Writing for B2B Sales Enablement

A new specialty has emerged for writers, and even beginners can earn up to $5,000 per project. As a sales enablement copywriter, you write the materials that help the sales team sell more. Here are three content projects to start with…

Worried About Charging High Fees? Why You Must Charge What You’re Worth

Setting fees is a challenge for new writers. But, you need to know your value, and understand why you’re worth as much as you are. You have specialized skills businesses need… here’s why you should set your fees accordingly.

Not Sure How to Get Started? Get Inspiration from These Successful Writers

Everyday people like you have started writing careers. They had doubts and fears, yet they stuck with their dreams of the writer’s life and pushed through to success. Learn from people who are where you want to be.

6 Video Scripts You Can Get Paid to Write (Right Now!)

Videos are making a huge impact for businesses — which is why 8 out of 10 businesses are using them. To keep up with demand, they need video scriptwriters. Here are six types of videos you can get paid to write.

Are You the Right Personality Type for Chatbot Writing?

Chatbot writing could be a perfect fit for you, if you have the traits outlined here. Marketers are eager to use chatbots to generate sales, but they need more writers to get started in this new field.

How a Simple Checklist Helped Start the Writing Careers of These Three Members

Site Audits are a simple way to get a foot in the door with new clients. Here’s how using this checklist tactic worked for three AWAI members and led to more writing projects…

Writing Success Begins with an Idea… What’s Your “Mouse”?

Blogging is an easy way to get started as a well-paid writer. You can write your own blog to build a business, you can write for clients, or you can do both. The key is to get started, and then watch your idea evolve… sometimes beyond what you can imagine.

Email Writing, an Easy Way to Get Your Foot in the Door

Get your foot in the door with writing clients with this one simple skill. Here is why the big demand means beginners and pros can make good money writing these short projects.

Why Web Writers Should Care about Google’s Mobile First

Businesses need web writers to go through their existing content in five key areas and optimize it for mobile devices because if their web pages aren’t optimized, they’re being penalized by Google.

3 Trends in UX Copywriting Happening Right Now

Bad user experiences online cost businesses trillions of dollars, but an effective UX copywriter can help change that. Here are three trends in UX… and why they’re a golden opportunity for you.

What Is UX Copywriting? A Beginner’s Guide

Companies need their customers to have positive user experiences when visiting their website. Which means every business with a website needs your help to create a smooth customer journey.

7 Ways to Make Money as a Writer… Without Clients

Andrew Murray is following a proven formula for making money writing about something he loves. Thanks to expert Nick Usborne’s process, Andrew is generating passive income seven ways without clients.

Be Your Client’s Content Expert and Grow Your Income By 10x

Become a content marketing strategist so you can set yourself up to earn 10x the fees. This is one of the biggest opportunities in the industry today. Discover how you can make content plans come together.

These 6 Projects Are Easy for Clients to Say “Yes” To!

Get your foot in the door and a chance to prove yourself to a new client when you start with simple projects like these six. They’re short, easy for you to learn, and easy to convince a potential client to give you a shot.

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