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These 6 Projects Are Easy for Clients to Say “Yes” To!

Get your foot in the door and a chance to prove yourself to a new client when you start with simple projects like these six. They’re short, easy for you to learn, and easy to convince a potential client to give you a shot.

Why Every Freelance Writer Needs a Website Now

Every business needs a website today — here’s a compelling reason why. Plus, five things that may be holding you back from not having a website, and ideas to move you past the hurdles.

Social Media – Diversification Is Key

Social media diversification is crucial to running a healthy business. If you put all your eggs in one social media basket, they could disappear overnight.

“How Do I Get Started as a Web Writer?” Try These 10 Projects

Writing for the Web brings huge opportunity in any niche. To build a solid, enjoyable, and busy career, start with these 10 in-demand digital writing projects.

5 Ways Companies Use Chatbots to Attract Better Leads and Drive More Sales… and Why Chatbots Need You

Chatbots are spreading like wildfire. Companies are eager to use them to generate sales, but they need help. Yet only a limited number of chatbot copywriters exist.

Yes, Copywriters Can Write Chatbots. In Fact, They Should! Here’s Why…

Chatbots are being written by bot builders, but for a better user experience, copywriters produce more effective chatbot scripts. Here’s who’s best suited to write chatbots and how you learn the skills.

4 Ways You Can Make Money Blogging

As a copywriter, you have the skills needed to craft a quality blog that gets noticed and to create a “money-making machine.” Here are four ways you can make money blogging.

5 Ways to Earn a Healthy Income Without Clients

Andrew Murray finances his dream of traveling the Australian Outback by writing about it. So far, he’s generating income five ways without clients.

A Content Writer’s Golden “Gap” Opportunity

B2B marketers had to shift from trade shows and in-person sales calls to online marketing. That created a huge demand for writers to provide the top content projects like the nine highlighted here...

Earn Up to $500 per Page with These 7 Video Scripts

Videos are making a huge impact in digital marketing for businesses. To keep up with demand, they need video scriptwriters. Here are seven types of videos you could be writing for very good fees.

Could Google Help Launch Your Web Writing Career?

As a web writer, Google is handing you a massive opportunity to help your clients right now. Find out what’s happening and how you can make a difference — and be well-paid to do so.

How to Make Money Blogging for Clients

Becoming a blogger is an ideal — and fast — way to get started as a well-paid writer. Here’s a look at how you get your foot in the door with paying clients, how to get retainer deals, and more.

How to Grow Your Income Quickly as an SEO Copywriter

Businesses need to show up top in search results to be visible to customers, and they need writers to help. Here’s how you can take advantage of the demand.

Make This Your Year… Take a Chance and Chase Your Dream

If you truly want freedom and happiness, decide what you want in life and take a chance. There’s a way your writing can help you earn an income while you pursue your dreams…

Your Simple Path to Writing Success in 2022

Find your path and build your plan for your version of a successful writer’s life by following this simple three-step approach today. Turn next year into one you’ll always remember…

5 Video Scripts Marketers Need Now

Videos are changing the face of online marketing for businesses. To keep up with demand, they need video scriptwriters. Here are five types of videos you could be writing for very good fees.

4 Secrets You Need to be a Successful Web Writer

Successful web writers know four secrets that lead to long-term success and income growth. Here’s what they are, plus free resources so you can get started too.

3 Ways You’re in Control with a Money-Making Website

Whatever your goals, put yourself in control with this tactic. You decide how much time you want to spend working… what you want to write… and how much money you make.

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