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When You Should “Write For Free”… And When You Shouldn’t

Should freelancers write for free? Should you have to write “on spec” in order to land work, or are clients out of line to expect it? Get the answers here.

4 Best Practices for Networking in Person

In-person networking is a great opportunity to make a strong impression. Especially when you use Ilise Benun’s 4 best practices for building relationships.

The 4 Pillars of Success for Your Freelance Copywriting Career

Build momentum for your freelance copywriting career by following the four pillars of success. Pam Foster reveals how you can achieve your goals faster.

You Can Increase Client Referrals by Asking 3 Simple Questions

A simple way to increase referrals. Even in today’s age of automated lead generation, most businesses say they get their best customers through referrals.

A Handy Site Audit Checklist for SEO and Content Writing that Works — And Leads to More Projects

A paid website audit is a gateway to new writing projects. Use this checklist to identify weaknesses on your client’s website. Then, get paid to fix them.

A Perfectly Scripted Conversation for Your Role as a Highly Paid Web Content Detective

You can follow this script from Pam Foster to land both a Site Audit project and more paid work afterward. She walks you through how it works here.

The Best Copywriting Clients — and the Worst

Bob Bly explains what to expect when working with a variety of companies that hire copywriters, plus how to determine which are the right clients for you.

Don’t Let These 3 Niche Misconceptions Hold You Back

Christina Gillick thought being a generalist copywriter was the best choice… until she realized she had three big misconceptions about choosing a niche.

How to Use LinkedIn to Land Well-Paying Clients

LinkedIn is a powerful resource for copywriters. But are you using it effectively? Steve Maurer answers 3 questions he’s received as a LinkedIn specialist.

4 Negotiating Tips for Copywriters to Get the Best Deal

Clients will try to negotiate. But if you follow these four simple guidelines, you’ll learn exactly what to say so you get the best possible fee.

10 Ways to Make a Six-Figure Income as a Freelance Writer

Bob Bly outlines 10 ways even the “average” freelance writer can make $100,000 a year.

What to Say to Close the Deal

Knowing how to ask for copy projects can help you close more deals. Use these strategies from Ilise Benun to boost your confidence and land more clients.

How to Differentiate Yourself

If you don’t differentiate yourself, you could get lost in the crowd. Use these six strategies to stand out to your prospects.

Networking Tips That Work… Even If You Think You Hate Networking

If the idea of networking makes you want to hide, don’t give up on it just yet. Try these great networking tips for anyone who usually hates networking.

Showcase Your Writing Skills with a Portfolio One Sheet

When a client asks to see your portfolio, don’t overwhelm them with samples. Give them your Portfolio One Sheet instead.

Three Steps to Finding Your Perfect Unique Value Proposition

Do you know the difference between your unique selling proposition and your unique value proposition? It could make a big difference in your business.

12 In-Demand Copywriting Projects You Should Be Offering Clients Today

In this Internet-driven era, there are more opportunities for writers than ever. Here are 12 in-demand projects you could offer copy clients right away.

6 Tips for Prospecting with Direct Mail

Land more clients when you use these six tips for prospecting with direct mail.

Five Quick Ways to Attract Your Ideal Clients Using LinkedIn

One copywriter thought success came from working harder. He was wrong. Now he focuses on high-leverage activities that take less time to yield big results.

Two Techniques for a Winning Elevator Pitch

“What do you do?” Having a solid elevator pitch as your answer is key to impressing potential prospects. Here are two techniques to help.

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