Your Byline and Paycheck
Time is running out!
This is your LAST CHANCE to get access to Rebecca's two-hour workshop, where Rebecca will personally help you get your first byline and paycheck as a new writer!
You’ll learn her process for writing articles that companies everywhere are happy to publish and pay top dollar for …
And then …
Use what you learn to write an article for AWAI and submit it for consideration.
There’s no limit to the number of articles we may choose.
If yours is one of them, you’ll get a paycheck for it from AWAI!
Not only that, but if you do a great job, that single article could lead to working much more closely with AWAI.
And no matter what — you’re learning a financially valuable skill that’s in-demand and could pay you for years to come.
So, what are you waiting for?
Go here by midnight tonight to get access.
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